These were everywhere. Then they all got wrecked or rusted. I literally see supercars more often than I see a Gen 1 Neon.
These were everywhere. Then they all got wrecked or rusted. I literally see supercars more often than I see a Gen 1 Neon.
Yeah, this “most 90s” list is basically just a Saturn thing.
How’s about a “different kind of car company?” I bought a 93 SL1 just like the one pictured. It was the best car I will most likely ever own. Nothing fancy but for what it was, it was great. Other than basic maintenance, I never spent a dime in repairs on that car. Not even a rattle. Weirdly, it even handled snow like…
Thinking past the big “halo” cars of the 1990's (300ZX, RX-7 FD, Supra, Viper) I more vividly recall the burgeoning market for weird little captive imports like the Geo Tracker, Mercury Capri, and so many others. For a brief moment, these things were positively everywhere, and often in cheerful colors that we don’t…
Neon. It is the ninetiest car to ever nineties. When I picture a nineties car it in nearly always Neon-esque with its circles and soapbars look.
I didn’t once say the Taurus was good, its just peak 90s, and ubiquitous in most neighborhoods.
Anything in teal with automatic shoulder belts.
Ford Taurus and 5th/6th gen Honda Civic. Those are the only answers.
Yes, nearly every other store selling nearly every other product does this. The difference with other stores is, they don’t try to sell you the display product for full price.
people who brag about working overtime are consistently the most miserable tedious individuals alive, they are never “enjoying” the fruits of their labor and they are battered and bruised but still they defend the system that got them there and want other people to suffer too, ad infinitum. truly grim
Having a decent work/life balance isn’t something that decent people shit on.
2 weeks thing is for unemployment insurance purposes iirc
Single staffing a retail store is dangerous and stupid. Especially when that single employee is there for nearly 12 hours. Good for her. Your life is worth more than a pittance from a company that doesn’t care about you in the slightest.
I saw them on tour with Female Presenting Nipple back in ‘89. What a show.
I don’t work for CDPR, so I can’t speak to their process, but I absolutely cannot imagine a situation where you bring in a bunch of outside mods to your triple-A retail release and do not thoroughly check them out. What if some copyrighted image was hidden in there? What if the mods created a security loophole? What…
“that’s when you walk away from the job not ask the job to change itself...”
“It’s not like you accidentally fell into her, and then out, and then in again, and then out.”