Math As A Humanities Pt2

When judges refuse to recuse themselves in faith or marital conflicts of interest (for example), I would say that facts are very much decided at that level.

See this is the kind of weird shit thinking The Muppets thrived on.


Because they were awesome.

Take a look at the Supreme Court and ask again why judges need direct social reins.

What would be odd is if she passed 5 days before a major auction of her work and personal items.

So he’s mad he didn’t get Luke Cage.

Captain America had to be renamed The First Avenger in several countries because neither the character or the country were loved by people around the world.

I thought it was going to be a movie about the MacDonald royal family who takes in some travelers named Campbell who slaughter the royals in the night and then sell out the family to the English.

I still have my Schoolastic graphic novel.

Fair. I forgot about “W”

It is no doubt sad, but families do it all the time and who are you to question their choices?

To be fair, he’s mentally disabled and seems to have no impulse control which is why he is FUCKING LOCKED UP.

Yes you are. Why do you find caring for disabled people ruins your holiday fantasies?

Ironically, the American is a goddamn saint in this movie.

There are not enough good things to say about Bonhoeffer.

This was also around the time DiCaprio was talking shit about Growing Pains and its audience. He was in absolute douche bag form.

Suck it Garth Ennis.

I could not check out with my presale code until the show was sold out for the first day of presales.