
Looking to see where it says “Muslim Ban” and I can’t find it. I see where it restricts entry from 7 Muslim countries, but I can’t seem to find where it bans the other billions of Muslims who don’t reside in those countries. Can you help me out here?

Matt...I see you still insist on being a bigger liar than you accuse Trump of being. Again, for the third time, please explain, without LYING, how the orders are a Muslim ban.

Or actual news and not have ads written as stories. It have links to the onion and still think can produce creditabdle articles

but I don’t know how an enormous federal agency like the GSA could’ve done a proper search for files in less than 24 hours.

I don’t think they processed your request in record time. I think that you’re probably one of several people that have been asking the same thing and that’s the answer they produced.

Please let me know when Gizmodo stops being a website which focuses on politics and starts to focus on tech again. Thanks.

When will Donald Trump release his tax returns?

Kudos to Gizmodo for giving this issue a serious examination. I admit that I would have predicted a Gawker site to participate in the very same hide-newsworthy-conservative-subjects editorializing that apparently Facebook did. Thanks for proving me wrong.

By punching numbers into modeling software, and changing those numbers until you get the output you want.

Hillary is anything but clean. And that applies to a helluva lot more than the email server issue.