Earlier this week, Techland announced that its new zombie-killing adventure Dying Light will have "50+ hours of…
Earlier this week, Techland announced that its new zombie-killing adventure Dying Light will have "50+ hours of…
If the designer/director believe that a female party character won't add anything to his game, then he should not feel guilty about doing that. Nobody needs to feel that they should follow a certain social ethics so that they are forced to add a token character in the game just to please entitled gamers.
"We had two bags of gysahl greens, seventy-five pieces of phoenix down, five hi-powered elixirs, a saltshaker half-full of smelling salts, and a whole galaxy of multi-colored hypers, tranquilizers, eye drops, echo screens... Also, a quart of remedy, a quart of holy water, a case of potions, a pint of raw ether, and…
If there's two thing I hate in this world, its people who are intolerant of alien cultures...and the swedes.
Now all apple fans can live out their fantasy and simulate fucking an apple product.
I like Watch Dogs, and I am still in Act II playing it. I understand people's disagreements with Aiden Piece being an "Empty Personality", but I think he was designed that way. He was created in a way that leaves him open to the Gamers interpretation. You want to play the good hearted vigilante that only kills…
I'll stick to L.A. Noire for my murder mystery fix. Dat soundtrack.
I would have preferred it done by novice speedrunners, if only for the outtakes.
My wife is currently deployed overseas.
Or they're just dicks.
I'm guessing there are anti-military organizations out there who can't see past the military affiliation to the good it does for military personnel.
Goddamnit, stay in the lane, Carl!
Having spent four seasons watching the once bright-eyed son of Rick Grimes harden under the weight of the zombie…
Valve's Michael Abrash, who was just giving a talk about the wonders of virtual reality at the company's Steam Dev…
Yesterday, Facebook bought a virtual reality company called Oculus VR. Shortly afterward, the internet exploded.