
That was fucking terrifying! Did any resolution ever come of that?

...which is why I'm no longer a Christian. If I ever really was.

God going back and forth, and seeming really bastard-y one minute and then declaring himself merciful the next: that's because they're not the same god. The god of the bible was a mashup of Yahweh, a vengeful god from the southern Levant, and El, a far more compassionate deity from the norther part of the Levant. In

This is all so nauseating.

Guys try to kick random game. They just do.


I loathe the whole "princess" thing, so I think it's a terrible idea just because there are too many princesses already and we don't need any more. Barf.

Jesus. It's just crapping, people. Everyone does it. If a guy is going to be repulsed because you engage in an activity that LITERALLY EVERY ORGANISM ON THE PLANET does, then fuck him. Or don't, rather. Men who can't handle the fact that women might be normal mortals who need to crap don't deserve said women.


Bye, Felicia.

That "Play It Again, SAHM" pun name is making me stabby.

Edith does the best she can— not just the middle child, but the least fetching of the three girls, and the easiest target around when Mary wants to torment someone. All she ever wanted was some love and attention. It's caused her to make some poor choices, granted, but everyone does that, too.

Chivalry has less to do with opening doors than it does with being honest, loyal, principled, and trustworthy. *That* is the point and basis of chivalry: having certain ideals held sacred for their own sake, and dammit, you live by them even if it means being inconvenienced or doing without acquisition of pussy.

LI is a great way to market yourself, especially if you can get recommendations from colleagues/peers. I put LI URLs on every resume I write (I do my own, of course, and many of my friends, most of whom I've helped get jobs due to my leet resume/LI profile no jutsu.

The producer of this song is a fucking god; I'm listening to this on shitty laptop speakers and somehow it's perfectly balanced, crisp but not tinny, deep but not muddy. Spectacular.

Samesies. My father isn't Italian, and I take after him in his frosty English reserve, touch-wise. I'm very happy to shake hands, thankyouverymuch, and that's about it. Every time Aunt Angie and Aunt Millie and Aunt Giovanna raced toward me with the intention of hugging and kissing me, I'd back up and hold out my hand

It sort of is, if you count affected urban dwellers who are so self-important yet self-unaware (and blind to the irony that they embrace) that they actually spend lots of time putting together outfits that will show how little they think of fashion and appearance.

My family has hoarded so many wooden hangers over the years that our closets are bursting, and we still won't get rid of any. They are our precioussssss. My favorites are the ooooooold ones from an ancient dry cleaners in the Bronx from back in '57.

Jesus, Debbie Harry does NOT look 69 years old.

And it still wasn't that good, sadly. Well, she's over 70, no one stays at their peak forever.