
Whale vomit, tyvm.

It looks like it's coming from someone who I actually know, not a stranger interrupting me when I'm busy to make me hear their unsolicited, pointless judgment on my appearance, which is none of their business.

I'm actually not married because reasons. My marital status is irrelevant, though. There is an actual difference between "genuinely upset" and "drama queening it up". I can handle the former, but have no patience for the latter.

Why, because he's a man, and men are "supposed" to be stoic and emotionally bulletproof and so he can never get upset or the world will fall apart? Men aren't allowed to feel uncomfortable at being trivialized or sexualized?

Not necessarily a "yes man" so much as someone listening to her, without judgment.

Ugh. That's the risk you take; you're gambling that they're less crazy than you are and sometime you lose that bet! I'm glad you got away safely :) Thanks for telling me the tale! <3

Malkin, à la Florence King. She defined a malkin as a woman desperate for the approval of men.

Yes, she would, because she knows that what matters is the fact that your loved one is upset, not whether or not the upset is justified. She didn't go to him looking for validation of her feelings, she went looking for support and sympathy for having them. It's a subtlety that escapes most assholes.

What happened on that one occasion it didn't work?

Well, if a) I actually meant that being old enough to have pubic hair = a green light to frisky times, and b) acted on it, I would say you would be correct.

Perhaps "loathsome" was a bit too strong, but I maintain that the huge majority of characters are unappealing and repellent in their uniform disregard of a little thing called ethics. These foolios wouldn't recognize a principle if it gave them a racily implied gay rimjob*.

I was totally underwhelmed by this show's premise, overall. 95% of the characters were loathsome, and the 5% that wasn't was entirely 2-dimensional (the naive , bumbling ingenue fella).

As my BFF always says, when we old'uns are perving over a young'un: if there's grass on the field, play ball!

Yeah, tags are arranged alphabetically instead of nested by whatever categorization you created. Terrible. I switched back immediately.

Probably more than those who don't have it.

I can't stop giggling at ".50 cents a scoop" for some reason.

Right? That was my immediate thought, too: "OMG OUCH NOPE".

That's what I wonder— jamming your nuts between your ass-cheeks for hours at a time sounds excruciating. But I guess the benefit(s) you reap outweigh the cost? IDK, you'd have to ask someone a) with balls, and b) who has done it.

It's all good, sweetie <3

My pleasure!