Right?? What is UP with that? Grossness.
Right?? What is UP with that? Grossness.
You eventually *have* to give birth? Is it a law in your municipality or something? Cuz if so, please let me know where you live so I can never, ever go there.
How can the rampant nepotism and cronyism be eliminated? Why are FOP or PBA "get out of jail free" cards even possible?
Ugh, I just reread my original post, and noticed some errors. I am so distressed that youall might think me illiterate that I feel the need to write a correction: I'm not a grammar failure, they were typos! I typed "by" instead of "my" and left out a word (should have been "during a phone interview"). Apologies!
I got my current job because I did this; I interviewed for position A but didn't get it; by the time my thank-you letter arrived a week after being told the bad news, another job opened up and that interviewer was not only impressed by the letter but by interview and thought me a better fit for this newer job (it…
Be like me, and just give up on finding any sort of bearable human companionship. It's less depressing than eternally holding out hope and being tormented by the slim pickins.
Mostly what I have learned from this is that Shelley Long had a bangin' figure back in the day.
I HAVE GOT TO GET OUT OF JERSEY. [quiet weeping]
Avenue! Avenue Avenue Avenue. Good styles for those of us who don't want hoochie clothes (Torrid) or frump-wear (Katherine's) or overpriced crap that falls apart after 2 washings (Lane Bryant). Decent prices, good end-of-season sales, plus shoes and jewelry and handbags and hosiery, etc. etc. etc. Avenue!
Every CVS I search for these products has a TINY and hard-to-find display for the cosmetics. The hair and skin care is easier to locate, but if you want Nuance cosmetics, you need a bloodhound and magnifying glass. Woe.
As soon as I don't have to deal with the evil landlady who forbids me to have pets (i.e. my mother), I will!
I agree. I'm tubby and I think they look awful on me, and most other heavy women, unless worn with a long-ish tunic top or something.
I'm lol'ing at how she says this:
That... is an AWESOME idea. Which I am going to steal at earliest opportunity.
With this lot, it's really the only natural conclusion. Thinking of any other definition is the stretch.
Just thinking about it is making *me* shake.
You are a good person. I am not that good.
I can't be the only one thinking about the complications of those two trying to fist each other.
Not to be insensitive, but... man, I'm so glad I never spawned. Every time I see a post like that, my uterus gives me a high-five and thanks me for sparing us both that torture.