
Ok, so, I'm going to marry this man some day. I don't care if he's straight or gay; if he needs a beard, I'm his girl. Holy crap, what a fantastic person. Seriously, I'm starry-eyed right now. Totally crushing on Mark Arnoldy at this moment. *.*

Every time I've considered suicide, this desire to spare my loved ones the burden of my existence is the main motivation. So, yeah, it's definitely more about self-loathing than selfishness, and anyone who says it's self is an ignorant motherfucker who I'll meet in a dark alley with a shank.

The new Old Spice lines smell fantastic, many of the deodorants in them are not at all manly but very gender-neutral, and they work really freaking well. And you get more per stick; they last forever. Seriously, it takes like a year to use a stick up.


Fellow Buddhist! [clings to you in manner of baby monkey or similar]

I'm a social worker who's worked with many borderlines, and I can tell you that people with BPD are abso-fucking-lutely capable of harming others. The seesaw practice of idealization/devaluation that BPDs engage in with their relationships very often results in enormous amounts of emotional and sometimes physical

My rent for a not-bad studio with separate bath and kitchen was $475 in St. Petersburg, FL last year. Now I'm in NJ and living with my mother for $500/mo to save money, as rent would be $900 for a shithole of a studio, or $1100+ for a 1br.

So basically this is a navel-gazing TL;DR about how you did something illegal, insanely dangerous, that you'd been warned not to do repeatedly, did anyway, and were punished for.

So basically this is a navel-gazing TL;DR about how you did something illegal, insanely dangerous, that you'd been warned not to do repeatedly, did anyway, and were punished for.

So basically this is a navel-gazing TL;DR about how you did something illegal, insanely dangerous, that you'd been warned not to do repeatedly, did anyway, and were punished for.

Uncle Dood's Donuts in Toms River is the bomb. Our diners rock, I've lived many places and always missed them when I was elsewhere. Ahearn's Seafood in Waretown, the German butcher dude in Forked River... that ice cream place in New Egypt, on Route 539... there are lots of little hole-in-the-wall places in South

Cancelled credit cards (that are paid off and in good standing) is a terrible idea, credit-wise. Even if you never use them again, just let the account stay open. It creates a longer credit history and helps very much.

I was able to get Verizon's "loyalty" rate of unlimited talk and text and 2GB of data for $60 by threatening to move to T-Mobile, which was having a "we'll pay your ETF" promotion. I'm saving minimum of $30/month with it. Being a squeaky wheel WORKS.

Ranch dressing has a buttermilk base. It's not mayonnaise at all.

I had a terrible experience with a Softcup (my weirdly-tilted pubic bone + Softcup = medical extraction and gigantic gory mess) and now the sight of one sends me into fits.

I don't dislike children, per se, but I do find them boring as fuck. Playing dolls, reading kiddie books or watching kiddie tv: dull. After 10 minutes with a kid, I'm looking longingly at the door, hoping for a chance to escape. Consequently, I am completely uninterested in hearing about other people's kids'

This is such an excellent point. Everyone always has such a rosy, Kodak-moment concept of parenthood and children, but very often, instead of the smiling cherub you envisioned, you have a child with severe health challenges, physical and/or mental disabilities, or mental illness/incurable addiction problems. Or

Sorry, this is 100% incorrect. Many, many, MANY of the people in nursing home had children... who not only don't take care for them in their golden years, but scarcely even come to visit them.

You can get a regular high school diploma to override your GED. You can also attend community college on a GED; once you have the AS degree, your high school experience won't matter as much. Also, don't mention it's a GED vs. a regular diploma. It's not really anyone's business.

Is there an option to try out the iPhone OS? My cell account renewal is coming up and I'll have an option to get the iPhone but I've had an Android cell for so long that I want to play around and see if I'll like the iPhone or if it'll make me crazy... before I've blown my chance for a free phone on something I might