
Nikkita Oliver would be a disaster as mayor. Her housing platform is the single worst policy position that any candidate has put forth. If you care even a little about affordable housing in Seattle, I am BEGGING you to vote for anyone else.

The Stranger reports that Cary Moon’s first term goal is to:

I’ve seen a level of NIMBYism that I never expected in Seattle. I understand the frustration with all of the money put toward homeless issues without any progress, but the opposition to any affordable house in “my neighborhood” is really depressing.

In a city of unfathomable wealth the rampant homelessness and municipal budget shortfalls are bewildering. There is an insane amount of money here and it is firmly in the hands of the 1%. I don’t claim to know how to fix it, but taking a hard look at the tax code is probably step #1. That’s probably the easiest issue

Seattle needed radical 20 years ago so it would never have reached this point, but as it seems to be there (Sound Transit’s $65 BILLION project?) is always too little too late. I feel like a chump, but I just left Seattle for these reasons she’s talking about. I was a normal wage-earner and I knew I’d never be able to

Or Durkan, talk about status quo.

I don’t think it will take a decade. It is happening already!

the biggest problem we have with our fiscal situation is that we are forced to fund the lazy rural resident that can’t pull their own weight in this state....

Yeah, I usually avoid ad hominem attacks in favor of critiques on the substance, but this article screams that it was written by someone with no expertise in intel, cyber security, or government in general.

There are many reasons to not present much of the evidence. Much of it can be surmised by what level of confidence each agency gave it. NSA can only give moderate confidence because of the way NSA gathers its evidence. The FBI and CIA almost certainly have human assets at high reaches of the government and their lives

Again Trump and Russia parroting the same talking points this time about the CIA being wrong about WMDs.

But the declassified report contained no information about how the agencies had collected their data

Evidence details would almost certainly include information that could endanger covert operatives. We know Republicans love to unmask covert operatives for political purposes.

Guesswork is part of intelligence work, always has been. This reminds me of the folks that hoot and yell about evolution only being a “theory”. Reading the cyber attack tea leaves is not the same as making a judgement to go to war over nonexistent WMD’s, that’s a straw man right there.

These protests appear to be in states where she won so I doubt they are protesting out of guilt.

I mean, I’m a millennial too. And I guess because most of my friends are pretty much all on the left, I felt like I was fighting them tooth and nail all the way up until Trump’s declared victory, like they refused to believe how dangerous he is. And a lot of them are still posting “It’s not my fault, I voted for

Not to be all #notallmillenials, but all of my peers who have spoken out against trump today were just as against him prior to the election, and just as enthusiastic about voting for Hillary. Including the most die-hard Bernie people I know. I can’t speak for the whole country, but yeah, we were fighting right along

Except Clinton won Washington by plenty.

Why? Clinton was always going to get Washington. Her voting for Clinton would have zero impact on the outcome of the election. For that matter, all of these protests are in safely Clinton states.

I just love Richard, he makes me so happy. He seems like such a sweet humble man who just loves to bake. So cute! Love this show!