
Yawn. Look, i love Android, in fact, I think my Evo 3D was the fastest phone out for a few weeks or something last year. But this is the first of many "Best Android phone ever" we have to look forward to this year, and I just can't keep getting excited about it anymore, its exhausting.

Great recommendations. I already read WAHBL, but don't have it anymore so I just ordered both of these books.

so your governments tax your gasoline more than ours do, whoodie do.

I think (hope) the author was using "classy" in a sarcastic manner.

I am pretty sure I read in the patch notes that the turret problem was addressed in this weeks weekly patch. I haven't tested it, and tbh I never noticed it in the first place.

Make it a 4" screen, and I'd leave Android to use it. you know, if it were even technically feasible.

The last thing the Vita needs is iOS ports priced at $40.

fucking hyperbole, ever heard of it? A $700 gaming PC with an i5 and 6870 is much much better than any consloe. I don't give a single fuck how many actual X better it is. You fucking piece of shit neckbeard.

My $700 PC is also about 50x more powerful than a console. I understand you may have spent thousands on your PC, but you are perpetuating the myth that PC gaming is ridiculously expensive.

I'd look at an Asus Republic of Gamers laptop at that pricepoint.

I foolishly sold my physical copy a few years ago. I got excited at this headline, and thought they were finally making an HD re-release :(

This is exactly what I was going to say. People who are always wanting me to taste their food creep me out.

unless he is one of the many many people who are paid on salary and not hourly, like me. Time off of work for court is just free time away from work

I built mine for about $550, and I could have cut some more corners. That is just my upfront cost, spread over the life of a typical console (5 years?) I figure I'd upgrade the video card once, or maybe twice, at $150-175 or so for a budget minded guy like me. A portion of those costs are offset by getting PC games

I have just gotten back into PC gaming, and am loving it. People don't realize how modest of a machine it takes to blow away the console experience.

well, apparently that's racist.

and then every time there is not something present that is in wow, the playerbase is up in arms.

Best case, they loved it when things were new and fresh, and want it to die so Blizz can make a new one.

The sad reality is 1 big part of many MMO audiences are not the people who are apt to stay at the cutting edge of gaming PC's. Having a Crysis or BF3 type of system requirements drives away customers.

Hearted just for the pokinatcha punk avatar. I love MxPx.