Eh maybe I was being pedantic, but you were just straight up wrong. GBBO has always had comedians in a central role.
Eh maybe I was being pedantic, but you were just straight up wrong. GBBO has always had comedians in a central role.
Frances SUCKED and I constantly forget who won that season, I think because my brain is trying to will a Kimberly win into being so much.
Noel Fielding isn’t going to judge, he is hosting. He and Sandi are replacing Mel/Sue.
No, Varner wouldn’t have known during filming, because Varner never saw Zeke’s first season prior to flying to Fiji. Zeke is one of very few players to film 2 seasons back-to-back without his first season airing beforehand. Varner had literally no idea who this dude was when they stepped on the beach. He put it…
Castaways (Survivor contestants) have to go through INTENSE medical screenings due to, ya know, being thrown on an island where they are subjected to intense physical activities and have little food. Production definitely knew. This was never mentioned in the previous season (Zeke’s first).
Even if they HAD voted, Barbara Comstock publicly announced that she was going to vote against it.
As much as I love Portia de Rossi she fails the “anything” test EVERY. TIME. And for some reason they made her say it a LOT on Better Off Ted.
They represent a heroic and nonexistent alternate reality.
Also an important hot take: some of these hummus brands need to let their food processors run a little bit longer.
I do remember that! That is the only acceptable answer. God I just went back and read that post and barfed at the sanctimonious bullshit from some of those guys. Pareene. ugh.
This gif will never not be perfect and I commend Magary for looking like a doofus on tv so we could have it.
I think there is definitely still room for jokes, but I think the “jokes” that have appeared so far are in the form of “man who is so enlightened he can pretend like this is NBD because it’s ironic” and really this hipster ironic sexism (e.g. erasing women from all of these stories in the dirt bag) is not any funnier…
And I think it’s a shitty joke.
You’re trying to pass it off like it is normal or a coincidence when it’s not. I know he ironically doesn’t name some of the big stars sometimes, but this is literally a post WITH NO WOMEN.
Yeah. I wish Emma had made it clear with them that “none” is the only acceptable level of tone-deaf joke posts acceptable by Hamilton today, though.
I am going to work but I have changed lunch plans with a coworker so that instead of the pizza place we were originally planning on, we will be going to a black woman-owned restaurant instead. I will avoid all other purchases throughout the day. I hope it is a noticeable impact!
I try to still believe that men can be feminists. These men are not helping their case right now, though.
This is not funny, Hamilton. For someone who loves to think of himself as quite woke (because you went to Howard since you were “really into hip hop”), this is a really shitty thing to post on a women’s website on International Women’s Day/A Day Without Women.
I was referring to a post by Emma Carmichael, editor of Jez, from last night: