hardcöre umlaut

I third it. I work in student affairs and we had a whole course during grad school about legal issues in higher ed, including about a month on Title IX. I find that a lot of people think that since they went to college, they know how to run one, and that is just simply false. There is so much misinformation both in

Schools do not prosecute crimes. They adjudicate violations of the student code of conduct. Do you think schools should not be able to punish students for destruction of property, or assault (non-sexual)? These are common violations on a college campus, that are often tried both in court (if necessary) and by the

It depends on the campus. A lot of smaller campuses have “public safety” like yours did, but many larger public universities have actual police departments. Both my current and previous employers had police departments where the officers went to the state police academy. Many of them have been “poached” from the local

They should be expelled from school AND THEN jailed. Another benefit to campus judicial proceedings is that they occur much quicker than the criminal justice system. It can take years to prosecute a rape, and by that time a rapist may have graduated, in which case a college will have no way to punish them. In the

There is a lower standard of proof because expelling someone from college (or one of the many lesser punishments possible, like suspension) is a much lesser violation of liberty than throwing them in jail.

Care to cite your sources on that one? Because I work in higher ed, I have a degree in running a higher ed institution, and that is not a statistic that I am familiar with.

By “most of the time, that won’t happen,” I was not referring to accused rapists who are found innocent. I was referring to cases where police bungle the investigations, or DAs decline to prosecute. The majority of campus rapes involve 1) students who are already acquainted with one another and 2) alcohol, so DAs are

Universities do not “conduct a trial,” they hold hearings to see whether a student has violated the student code of conduct. This has nothing to do with criminal charges (which a student can still pursue in parallel to reporting the incident to the university).

It is not recommended that men use these on their bears because of the density of the hair. Apparently it can cause irritation since the hair is so densely packed. I imagine head hair would be similar.

It is not recommended that men use these on their bears because of the density of the hair. Apparently it can cause

Some women don’t want to propose and it has nothing to do with agency. I feel like I do the majority of emotional labor in my relationship, and, just once, I want him to have to do the Big Thing to move us forward.


Re: college affordability, making two-year degrees free to in-state students at community colleges is one of the central tenets of her college affordability plan.

God, I wish I could go back and yell at all the dudes in my junior-year English class who thought this book was so profound and McCandless was such an inspiration and maybe they wanted to go on a similar journey (minus the death). Instead, I just sat there and silently raged against all the entitled, naive, 16yo white

I mean I live in the south and work at a university, you don’t have to tell me how it is “down there.”

I don’t think that’s a great argument to make? There are plenty of students who graduated from HS outside of the top 10%, many of them go on to be successful in college.

You could have applied to another school

Good. I hope people remind her of what an unimpressive, entitled whiner she is for the rest of her life.

It just doesn’t get talked about by the public and often, doesn’t get talk about by the media, either, because to do so would undermine the diplomatic efforts that open the channels to allow the US/UK/EU to intervene in those ways.

We also would not be getting out of the middle east with Bernie in office.

No. As I said in my comment, it is not disenfranchisement. NPP voters were perfectly able to vote in the Democratic primary.