Rumor has it Skip Woods is lurking somewhere, too…
Rumor has it Skip Woods is lurking somewhere, too…
So why did you feel the need to preface your response with the "total sleaze" hedge?
Worth seeing to see my favorite scuzzy decade so aesthetically well-represented on the big screen, but other than that — trust me — you ain't missin' much.
One of my biggest fears was that this was going suddenly try to turn into some kind of gender commentary toward the end — thank goodness it did not (all the characters here are pretty much equally reprehensible).
To be fair, I don't think that was entirely unintentional (to me, that seemed like one of the most — or only — successful upendings of formula here).
Give me the interesting character that over-pontificates over the dull one that barks out dumb, tired quips 10 times outta 10 (or 99 outta 100, whatever).
My overall takeaway of Free Fire — it might make some realize what a fucking genius film Reservoir Dogs truly is, if only ex post facto (I was always onboard, and have the VHS to prove it).
Yeah, I actually just found out about the third one last year (it was released pretty late into the GC's lifespan).
" I would've preferred to have Leia played by an organic actress.."
So you wanted less of Vader…unless they dedicated an entire movie to him?? Make up your mind, dude (also, horror is almost always terrible when it spends too much time with the monster…see: the Jaws sequels, Hannibal/Leatherface/Meyers prequels, etc.).
There were three RS games (and the first was actually on N64, even though it def. feels like it was on GC)!
I do think people who like R1 are probably more likely to be more familiar (overly-familiar??) with the OT.
What you say all makes sense, so I'm not going to expressly disagree with any of it.
To be fair, your girlfriend is really good at doing very nice things.
"These are fantasy movies, why are we choosing to fantasize about death and brutality?"
I don't know — maybe you should ask the likes of Murnau, Lang, Kubrick, Del Toro (not to mention Lovecraft, Poe, Giger, Barker, etc., etc.). I noticed a lot of "I'd rather"s throughout your screed — sort of a juvenile critical…
In Soviet Empire, you elude joke.
You've got on rose-colored glasses (also: prices didn't really register as a kid) because that shit was always expensive.
But still…you were "that guy."
*posts clever Don Logan gif*
Seems counterintuitive, but I can tell you from experience that grade-schoolers operate motor vehicles far more effectively whilst buzzed.