
Very simple way to stop this, if you can get the family on board. The next time they start, everyone should stop what they’re doing and watch, with occasional comments on what they’re doing as if you’re watching a football game.

You could always date some placeholders to shake the rust off. I know I dated some women that I really wasn’t into, but I wanted to practice conversation with someone. Just don’t have too many dates with the same person if there is no chance of a relationship.

so in other words and impossibly difficult minefield where you need to be perfect or you end up in trouble.

Must be nice to have that kind of money. Though, women can get a free meal from some of us. If I had gone on more than a date a week, I would have been in debt unless I ate ramen noodles for the rest of the week. Why didn’t I think of that while I was dating: Eat ramen noodles during the work week, live it up on the

Yeah imagine if your spouse found out.

That sounds exhausting and I’m married with two young kids.

Once a guy actually asked me to guess how expensive his jeans were.

By way of historical context, in case you might not be aware, proto-IndoEuropean used two gender classes - animate and inanimate - basically he and it. The animate class later split, in some IndoEurpean languages, into masculine (he) and feminine (she). This is why masculine pronouns are used to refer to both general

No. Just, no.

I’m confused. All I get out of this story is that he’s a chauvinistic jerk-off like we already knew, but she’s also opportunistic because she had consensual sex with him multiple times, knowing he was newly married. In other words, it’s a non-story about two shitty people.

I basically call everyone a “boy” or “girl” until they’re living on their own and paying their own bills.

Setting aside real time to just READ. An investment of time, rather than money.
I used to spend entire days reading as a kid, getting lost in the story. Life seems to get in the way now. Setting aside a whole morning/afternoon/evening (or two of those!) on a weekend to blow through a book, or a good chunk of an epic

I have to be honest, and I’m sure I’ll receive flack for it, but I get what she’s saying. Yes, women should be able to walk into a business meeting (regardless of the unusual setting that it’s taking place in) and be safe.

Virtually every human male who has gone through puberty has been completely sexually inappropriate with a girl. This is nature, immaturity, confusion and lust. Most learn to interact properly, some don’t. I recall grades 8 through 10 being nothing but sexual harassment going both ways.

I get the “am I doing it wrong” fear, but I feel like my natural response to that would be “TEACH ME! CRAP! GET ALL THE APPS SO I CAN BE BETTER!”

I too would like to know. This is the 3rd time i’ve read this column and thought, “Who the f is this person, they write like an asshole.”

i’m pretty sure I had to when I was 12. Parents these days just don’t know how to lay down the law.

The problem here is that there’s probably a misunderstanding in your home about who is in charge.

The message here seems to be: Do not fuck with Alec Baldwin lest you want to be excoriated in print. Alec Baldwin may be talented, but he's also exceptionally petty and dishonest, and Harrison Ford probably couldn't care less.

So you’re basically saying that he’s a human being with problems and not a mythological deity of some sort? Huh...