Maybe other cultures/countries visiting Japan in 2020 will leave with newfound respect for 2 things - 1. Japanese culture, 2. Themselves.
Thanks a ton for posting. I didn’t notice how deeply it used my G+ account till I read this.
Awww that makes it even cooler to me. Someone snuck that in there as a gift to the team.
I wanna be part of something like that!
The video that he was kicked out for was VERY WORTH IT. And as I’m watching him in a full body suit, playing a zombie game on VR and screaming non-stop... I get it.
Scumbaggary.. As with basically all of our gvmts, laws, rulers, etc etc etc. All ruled by money.
Is this why the game was delayed?
Don’t forget the +5 Charisma; Everybody listens to Lucille ;;;;;)
People are gonna be mad when they find out Negan actually takes out the entire lead cast with one swing. His strength is +9 in the show whereas it was only +6 in the comic. And he has the Bloody Mess perk on.
Gettin Schwifty over here
I enjoyed Hardlines story more than Bf4 - They went with a TV Episode format that actually seemed to work well.
That’s pretty awesome! I was just noticing yesterday that all friendly ghouls look like aliens now with the big greys
Maybe they were going tit for tat blocking each other off/riding the others ass on a long trip or something. That shit adds up
.. and THAT’S the kind of girl I’m gonna marry.. What’s that? No I won’t?.. yeah you’re probably right... but DAMNIT I CAN DREAM.
How big does that guys bullhorn need to be?! Regardless of the outcome, someone is losing their hearing.
Followed. I know someone who has a job in the movie industry if/when she wants it.
I seem to be going through a similar evolution; I’m not sure if it’s adult onset ADD or if games just aren’t evolving as fast as I’m expecting them to.
Personally I like to get a good look at the first town before I add it to the “backlog” aka waste bin.