
Really digging the 3d sketch style they went with on this.

Is it just me or does “Cuntles” sound like some sort of Swedish potato chip?? Would Try.

Nope. I’ve given it up for Lent. And since I can no longer Google I can no longer look up when Lent is or how long it lasts. It’s an interesting predicament

I’ve had my fair share of those!

Hah nice! Thanks for making me a little less ignorant!


The quality of “Hitman” game they’re putting out is solid; They stuck to what makes the game great and built on that using more powerful hardware.

Ahhh they’re playing a classic - “You’re Grounded 4 - This time it’s FOUR GOOD”

So...many..quarters on this game... and Sunset Riders

This was clearly a ploy to get dates with some lady cops!

You let him LIVE?! You’re a synth!

He made that gesture WITH HIS VOICE. My ears were molested and my reputation was slandered. This man had to die.

Right? I got PC bro real quick. “YOU NEED TO CHECK UR PRIVILEGE CREDIT CARD BRAH!” *swipe*

lmao so... I was wrong to pop his head off his body with my ultra sword? Where were you a day ago?!

Worst Salesman 2016 award goes to... Headless man trying to sell credit cards during the nuclear apocalypse.

ESPECIALLY in survival mode... If you’re not paying attention and suddenly take a grenade to the balls with a high adrenaline level... goodbye sweet limbs, hello darkness

I had no choice, the guy called me a “f*cking retahd” to my face 2 seconds after buying the card from him lol. This is the wasteland son!

Right after buying it he called me a “Retahd” wtf is that

Oh Andy... I miss that guy. And that show.

“How many times will they wipe?”