
What Xavus said, sadly :( They have responded to fan requests for co op by saying maybe they’d look into it in the future but nothing that sounded too promising.

This is easily one of the best survivals I’ve ever played. Highly recommend picking it up!

Looks beautiful! Still doesn’t seem like something I’d play more than once though

I remember reading your (Kirk) review and you mentioned how much better it was without all the HUD busyness going on but I was already 60% finished with the game. Replaying it now on Expert with Survival mode on (not 1 death because I’m not a mad man) feels like a MUCH better game.


Deus Ex huh?

Whoooooooaaaaaaaaa blast from the past

Tuesday art boner, coming in hot!

This year there’s a sale on sadness.. Prices that will bring you to tears.

True. Titanfall had a little more fluidity in the free running, and the environments were a bit more conducive to running around like maniacs.

I only play Hardcore, don’t know if that makes a difference.

I highly recommend it if you liked Titanfall. No bigass robots is definitely a minus but the free running mechanic is really well done.

I went from last year saying “Never again, Duty. Never again” to being a complete Black Ops addict once again. The new movement system is 100% better

That’s a good idea! As addicted as I was to Minecraft I would have had some tree trunks for arms after building my Nerdtopia


Yesssssss - VR+Physical activity+fun game in 1 is what will get me into the VR game in general. I want to play for 5 hours and have something other than thumb pain and some digital achievements to show for it

As I suspected... I am too poor to live anywhere.

Platinum Demo is live on Xbox One now

My OCD exploded when the character was running right by the pickup items

Because love is but a game of chess