
How Peter King and a thousand hot-takers across the nation read this:

You have no idea how much work that took me.

Oh, we’re definitely gonna hook up at the end of the movie.

What the fuck is a Petrol Station? What kind of commie propaganda is this? I swear to God if Siri tells me how many kilos it is to get to work...

Photo search in Google Photos is very extensive. You can type nearly anything, including the names of people and it’ll find it. And yes, that is an app feature (Google Photos), not an Android feature as you said.

...You missed the joke. AGAIN.

“Chiropractor’s argument” and “sound and sensible” are words that usually don’t mix.

Eh, it’s Queens. New York City is pretty safe as a whole, but not THAT safe. You never really know when AND where the next shooting/robbery/worse crime is going to happen in any of the boroughs. So it’s best to have as many angles covered as possible.

62-20 bitches!

I’m saddened by the lack of calculator watches on this list :/

I’m saddened by the lack of calculator watches on this list :/

The problem with this argument is that literally nobody thinks the people of North Korea are somehow “bad.” This isn’t some cultural misunderstanding, nobody’s sitting there going “Gee, man, I don’t know about those 5 year-old North Korean dirt farmers. They seem pretty sketchy.”

Yes, we need to realise nothing will beat Raúl Juliá in Street Fighter.

And that, boys and girls, is how Patricia's inbox got flooded with dickpics.

We need more of this,

All shields are basically an anti-super...

Oh come on, what’s he ever done to you? He’s a decent actor. Plus as the only black guy, we’ve seen, he’s sure to be the first one killed. Might as well wear a red shirt throughout the movie.

I do not endorse Canelo on the basis of that GIF. Not sure who is more to blame for the GGG fight not coming off, but Canelo has a clear ceiling and GGG still could be any kind - he hasn’t fought anyone worth mentioning yet. Just like boxing to shoot itself in the foot, again.

Your idea of common sense violates the Constitution.
