
My mother, who confirmed those facts to me, went to Suffolk Law, and has her own practice.

Yikes, this framerate. Can’t wait for the PC version.

i’m just thankful this isn’t posted on deadspin as “sports” for once...

that’s just what they sent me in the original email for the board thats sitting right in front of me which makes me a primary source, they hadn’t had a blog post yet & I most certainly wasn’t awake at 1am PST to check :)

Educate yourself

We samuraijs have been getting our ass beat until today, when we finally have managed to turn the tide!

its not the team, its the fans. Its the “victim” mentality that surrounds Boston fans cloaked in a low-self esteem “we’re better than you” bravado that gets jammed down everyone loses threats. Yeah, you’re team (teams) are legendary, your comebacks amazing, but your humility and gratitude is lacking. For every

Wow, that sucks

Wow, that sucks

god i love your terrible posts

“Hot women rarely complain about sexism and successful minorities rarely complain about racism.”

I’ve got one better: Recently I saw some jackass online bitching about people who supposedly spend their time bitching about people online.

Yeah, that electoral college is shit, ain’t it?

lol, what do you mean “if” someone did things like this to Obama. Did you just wake up from an 8 year coma?

Obama isn’t a demagogic asshole who cynically uses the worst, most base impulses of people to propel him to power.

Weeb butthurt is at critical mass in this thread. Christmas came early.

Yes, because humanity can only work on one thing at a time.

I’m not sure why you think that “bringing players back” is important when it isn’t subscription based, has no microtransactions, and no paid dlc. Obviously the goal at this point is to sell the game to new customers who are waiting for it to become a worthwhile purchase.

But it only supports a single wireless candle.....because Apple knows better than we do what we actually need.

17 of the 20 top-performing fake election stories were “overtly pro-Donald Trump or anti-Hillary Clinton.” And on Monday, Gizmodo reported that Facebook developed a tool to fight fake news stories that ended up disproportionately affecting right-wing news sites

Did any of the “fake news” in Canada report that Trudeau murdered people, donated to ISIS, wasn’t born in Canada, was a secret Muslim, and wanted to get rid of the constitution?