
Action Park actually closed in 1984! SpooooooooOOOoOOooOOoOOOOOOky!!!!

Luther and Thor? People don't give a shit about Heimdal, they're in it for motherfucking Stringer Bell.

Amazing how so many people are taking issue with prisoners being able to use Facebook as opposed to the completely cruel practice of solitary confinement. Cheesus is disappointed in all of you.

History will remember Seth Rogan as a monster.

Hopkins was the betting underdog, genius.

Unforgivably ignored feel-good anthem.

You didn't forget how good it was. You forgot you realized how bland it was.

I miss the old days of knowing when someone was away, or idle.

That's how I get from 2:00 to 2:30 PM at the office within the blink of an eye.

Vladimir the Spy

Just like American Idol, this is why you shouldn't let the American public decide things.

80,000 people just crowded into Wembley a couple months for a fight. Boxing's still big business around the world.

whoa, how'd you mount that to a micro 4/3?

Oh man, you'd be zero fun to watch movies with, ever.

Way to blow up her spot, Jezebel.

I've got a bigger problem with the continually ridiculous hair.

"A fictional or hypothetical person whose physical abilities become superhuman by mechanical elements built into the body."

No, no we're not.

Total faker.

Oh what a false prophet.