I thought this was a tech blog, not some teenager's whiny tumblr. Waaaah colors take away from the wonderful industrial design.
I thought this was a tech blog, not some teenager's whiny tumblr. Waaaah colors take away from the wonderful industrial design.
Get out of jail and publicly shame her card for her "this is what punks must act like!" portrayal, you mean?
I could be a distant cousin... she's alright with that too.
But then isn't the point of the game Lara's origin? Being a fairly weak person forced into an extreme situation? Also, what do we know about the game really? What if whoever has her tied up, and her companions, really is some sadistic, woman-beating/torturing type? Wouldn't that make the trailer fairly…
You make some good points, but personally, I think it's more due to typically terrible video game acting.
There is no "Axis of Evil"
What a travesty! Now millions, literally millions, of Gizmodo readers have been duped into thinking something you don't agree with!
The first poop is the grossest.
Ha, Olympics.
It's those new dick-skin condoms. Gets 'em every time.
I'm pretty sure it's joy-bile.
Thank you for making my day!
Are you his nephew or something?
You really are quite the existential egg.
That's cool, I didn't even have to read the article. Can you keep doing that?
Non-Americans . . . always thinking . . . something . . . USA! USA!
So . . . if you're walking with a group that takes up the sidewalk, it should be civic duty to slash your sneakers?
How about providing some non-conservative sites that could prove your points?