Harbour Seal

I refuse to take any review or referral to this movie that doesn’t explicitly mention “In the flesh” seriously.

Report to the authorities so they can do what....seriously Donald?! SO THEY CAN DO WHAT?! Because anything they COULD HAVE DONE, wouldn’t have stopped this guy from getting a fucking gun.

I think they’re saying Storm Daniels is a prostitute.

You must be reeeeally confused. Because this story is not about hiring a prostitute.

Yeah there’s a thousand basic things that are morally and otherwise wrong with this theology of abuse promotion, but it’s even more unjustifiable given the egalitarian nature of Jesus’ ministry, which is pretty evident and purposeful for the time even if you view him as just a dude walking around claiming bizarre

I probably shouldn’t point this out (as no one here wants to claim her, and you’ve claimed her as “an American” style icon) but this dumbass is from here in Edinburgh (I am a dual citizen, so I weep whatever country claims her). She grew up in a super rich neighbourhood, went to two expensive private schools and

Her resume says a lot by what it doesn’t say.

This Sarah is trash for pulling this shit. Good for Kim for telling her off. Pathologically nice people are terrible.

Ugh, married-ins are the worst. No, I lied, second worst. Side pieces are the worst. My best friend’s dad died when we were in college and she got a nasty surprise when his latest side piece in a loooong line of side pieces showed up to the funeral expecting to be treated like family-ugly sobbing. As someone who was

Beautifully parsed.

I call it the hierarchy of histrionics. If the closest family members aren’t ballyhooing at the funeral, neither are you. If you are one of those people who is a sympathetic crier or who is really emotional, Do. Not. Go. to these events, you are only making it worse for the people who have the right to actually

Just speaking for myself, I find the whole ritual of talking about a tragic loss on social media just off putting. Seeing someone post that their family member just died surrounded by posts that are food pictures or selfies just makes everything seem frivolous. I had a friend who started posting pictures of his dad

This reminds me of when the daughter of the owner of the night club I DJ at passed away in a car accident. One former DJ who pretty much lost his mind after he got fired, not only reached out very publicly, but even tried to use an actual hashtag (#RIPxxxxx) to promote his fucking DJ mixes for MONTHS after she passed.

“Not everything needs to be public.”—EXACTLY! I can’t believe I’m about to quote Ashton Kutcher, but he had a profound insight (soundbite?) several years ago, and it’s stuck with me ever since:

I would agree with you if SJP hadn’t chosen social media to pass on her condolences. We’ve had more than one blow up in my family because some people thought it was appropriate to post something on social media about a not-that-close family members death before they’d even reached out to anyone else personally. That

Maybe she has serious issues. SJP still reached out in a public forum because either

“maybe SJP doesn’t have Kim’s fucking address or contact info”

Right? I always send a note, because it’s the right thing and I don’t do it for the likes.

Donald Trump doesn’t NEED intelligence briefings. His intelligence is already as brief as possible.

she needs to get a tinder account and stop fucking people from work