Harbour Seal


Pregnancy is so weird! I’m not much of a drinker either but you’re right, it was that crazy intense craving. Thankfully I also craved lemonade and root beer, so my beer sips were the limit.

I didn’t drink at all during my pregnancy (mostly because I’m not much of a drinker anyway) but after about the three month mark I suddenly craved red wine like nothing I’ve ever experienced. If I walked by a table in a restaurant that was drinking wine I would take a huge breath and just savor the smell. Now, not

Theoretically, the water is safe now. The source was switched back to pre-treated water from Detroit. The water mains are all properly coated with the slime that prevents the lead from bleeding into the water. However, from the mains to each house, and inside each house, is the property owner’s responsibility. A

I thought you couldn’t legally sell a house that had contaminated supply lines going to it? Like, “Surprise, the water lines are full of lead, and you can’t even sell your house for pennies and leave!”

Or the kids have been so sick that they’ve missed a lot of school, not to mention the repercussions of not having access to clean water. And the implication that a parent isn’t “decent” if they couldn’t leave the area is really fucked up, btw. Even middle and upper class people probably have a hard time leaving, how

I grew very fond of na beer while pregnant. My father is a recovering alcoholic and had found out which ones where the very best. Guinness makes a great na beer that I definitely indulged in pregnant and especially when I first started breast feeding.

My son was born in 2015, when it was okay to drink up to a glass a week. I had only a couple swallows of wine while cooking with it- maybe two or three? And he had a stroke at birth that was completely unrelated to that, probably caused by the induction and pitocin. It’s all a fucking lottery and there’s so little you

When I was pregnant, the most delicious thing in the world was the very first sip of a bottle of super cold beer. It was HEAVEN. I did it maybe 6 times. Thankfully I had a partner who was content to drink 6 95% bottles of beer.

I’m still waiting for the CDC to issue warnings to all men over 40 who are sexually active on the dangers of producing a child with autism or other health problems.

*rubs hands together gleefully and bookmarks thread*

This. Sure, offer both if you have the resources, but don’t judge people who aren’t keen on the cup.

Public restrooms have free toilet paper. Makes sense that they would have free tampons/pads.

I think that free tampons/pads would be going a little far ...Everyone needs toilet paper, too, but I don’t see any movement to make that free.

So does sniping about it, on either side of the border. Again, shall we let it lie until it’s time to take it seriously again?

Sorry I had to take the star away for the last paragraph. Could you just... I mean, Nicola isn’t even pushing it, Angus Robertson retired, and the bulk of SNP politics is local, so maybe let’s just let it lie til it genuinely becomes a thing again?

Nooo way. I admire those who can, but nope for me.

If the sleeve fights better because it’s Asian, it’s like a general thing that Asian sleeves fight better, then - yeah, that’s racist.