If you want to believe in a worldwide conspiracy by all means go ahead, I’m sure it is as real as the cheque I receive from big pharma.
If you want to believe in a worldwide conspiracy by all means go ahead, I’m sure it is as real as the cheque I receive from big pharma.
There is literally no one in the world I don’t hate right now.
You would put it on your back? Yeah, it is going to take up space, it is going to slow you down, and medications st replaced in hospitals because there are plans for these things in place. If you are worried about your medications, keep a couple in your pocket when you fly.
He doesn’t get sued because you can’t sue crackpots otherwise the whole fucking system would be clogged up with them. There would be specialist crackpot lawyers and special crackpot judges and courts would have to sit 24h a day to deal with them. He also doesn’t purport to be a medical professional (though I saw…
They are calm because they are behaving as if this is a normal situation of leaving the plane i.e. get your things and get to the door. Their minds are not able to comprehend what is actually going on. It’s a common phenomenon in disasters.
It does. It does slow you down and the space it takes up while you hold it could allow another person to stand and move out.
It’ll be something along the lines of “moral and ethical reasons” or “child safety” but, trust me, those two clinics were targeted. Like it says in the article, they provide over half the abortions in the state out of the eight clinics.
It was to try and close those two clinics and for no other reason than that.
Literally any medical textbook that mentions AIDS. You cannot get AIDS without HIV. You can be immunocompromised without HIV, but that’s not AIDS because it stands for “ACQUIRED immune deficiency syndrome” ie the root cause of the deficiency is infectious and you ACQUIRED it. It isn’t due to genetics, trauma, or…
It doesn’t contradict the fact he continued to have unprotected sex after he knew he was infected. He may have been charming and in denial (which is always how I perceived him), but by all accounts he continued to be sexually active right up until his death.
This is not true. AIDS is caused by HIV.
Yeah, diseases where self-infliction is key to the pathology are definitely talked about differently than those that are genetic/congenital/sheer bad luck. It’s pretty shitty actually, but it’s difficult to watch a 30yo diabetic who is going to die in the next 5y because they don’t control their blood sugars. It’s…
Well yeah, I think that’s what shocked me about myself because I have always been a consistent feminist for all my life but when it came to this moment part of me wondered “well, she’s older and she’s had sex before, perhaps she just gave off the wrong signals and it went too far”. I stopped wondering that after the…
The whole situation was the actual worst. He was popular enough that when it happened (the girl in question was new to our school that academic year) many of us took his side over hers or just sat on the fence taking neither side like me. I didn’t want to believe that had happened.
Scotland is pretty bug on trying to rehabilitate inmates. The guy I knew just should not have been released.
Emily is my fave ❤️❤️❤️
This is what I was going to say. I’ve watched it recently (and enjoyed it as a single mum myself, though I feel they took my life and sanitised it tbh) and she is so expressive then and so..... not now. It’s weird. Very uncanny valley.
When I was a teenage a male acquaintance raped a female friend. The male friend went to jail, but I couldn’t help think it should have been longer than 7 years. He had a history of escalating violence towards girls and women, starting with bullying them (me especially), hitting his girlfriend, raping the female friend…
I have a wish list of deaths I would like to see, plz see my amazon page for details
Beautiful. Just beautiful.