The fucking weather.
The fucking weather.
I’ve known about him for years and I am Scottish but that’s because a friend tried to “save” me with them. I then went online and read all of them. It’s the most surreal hour or so I’ve spent and I’ve been on drugs before. (anthro/socio note: people from the UK tend to not do “over-eagerness” which evangelism is a…
Its funny how we use the words “unskilled labour” as an excuse to not pay people a living wage when there is no such thing as unskilled labour, eh?
Right, I’m going to mention something that is going to blow your mind, but hear me out.
beautiful, fucking beautiful
“Ocultar su esposa, ocultar a sus hijos, Trump está aquí”
She is so precious, the one true cinnamon roll
ty bb xxx
I should be studying for medical exams but I’m eating pakora and reading music theory.
Nicaragua? Sounds like racism to me!
I WAS SO DRUNK. I am now officially old enough to know better.
Apparently contra- is used in music to mean “a pitch below”. Italians. FFS.
Like we say in my family “they didn’t pick it off the ground”.
It’s too late to save myself (nearly 11pm here) but I’ll remember that for next time.* Just downed a glass bottle of IrnBru, the hangover cure of all Scots, and I feel marginally better. I also need to remember to drink water between drinks.
My only shame is that I have but one star to give.
I don’t fucking know but I will fucking find out for you mate
like they spoke to the poors 😂😂😂
Theiving perfidious bastards (as a scot)
sorry it was my birthday on Friday and i am SUPER hungover rn
Except (and as someone with ZERO Spanish/Portuguese) even I could have guessed that contra meant “against” or “oppose” ie CONTRAindicated, CONTRAlateral, CONTRAception.