Harbour Seal

I think Bernard as Android seems and feels unlikely and even cliche.

Fabtastic x


“dermatologist trying to pass as an ER doctor or something”

my eyes rolled so hard I’m pretty sure I’m gonna need a doctor.

wtaf wtaf wtaf

I reckon if we showed people foot ulcers they would be more concerned about their diet and diabetes.

Yeah, if you can’t find it at 12 weeks then something else is going on.

I swear my big fat greek wedding is my family.

I fucking LOVE teratomas they are so weird! It’s a part of your body trying to grow a human with only the most basic details.

As someone closer to graduating than starting as a medical student, sometimes we really can’t help what we say. As long as there is a more experienced doc in the room you will be fine!

Seriously? I’m referring them to ENT. I’m not going anywhere near that.

Diabetic foot ulcers *boak*

Yeah my doctor didn’t this too! She visibly went “fuck getting closer” and prescribed medicine me antibiotics.

As a medical student can I just say I can hear the consultant/attending’s laughing in my head at being told this story. Seriously, Dr WTF is still being spoken about as a warning to all doctors.

I’ve seen anal pilonidal cysts before.

*hums beauty school drop out*

Pretty sure his family came over with the Normans (hence the 950 years since 1066) - it’s a good joke tbf.

Is that the Woody Allen thing? If so I can’t watch it because all I can think of are those allegations :( I haven’t been able to watch anything by him since I found out.

My daughter wants me to do the PTA and I’m just like “I love you so much but over my dead body”