Anyone who says “just get over it” needs to get a fucking grip and listen to the pain and torture the families have gone through at the hands of everyone who wanted to slate them and shift blame onto the fans.
Anyone who says “just get over it” needs to get a fucking grip and listen to the pain and torture the families have gone through at the hands of everyone who wanted to slate them and shift blame onto the fans.
When the video panned over the bodies up against the barrier... Every. Time. What a horrific way to die and the police just watched.
I say this as the daughter of a scouser, and whose family has been affected (my uncle was there and survived) -
Apparently two major cases are under consideration by CPS right now.
Like, I get really emotional about this and I know I do BUT IT IS THE INCOMPETENCE OF THE DUCKENFIELD - he had NO BUSINESS being in charge of a football match, and he should have said to someone that he was out of his depth. If I did that as a doctor I would be raked over the coals for it.
I was going to angrily correct you but I note your name and comment and I am forced to say well done.
Me and my family are both delighted and absolutely furious. 27 years. Fuck. Sake.
She would get more supporters than Rickon. She could do it on his behalf a la Edward II and Isabella where she deposed the King for her son, then acted as regent. Also the Umbers are not acting in any way right now to make moves against anyone. It is Sansa that is getting loyalty sworn to her.
Only because Jason M was so fine that he could have made me pregnant just by staring intently at me.
ilu xx
If Tormund dies I swear I will cut someone. He cannot die.
I am legit considering this. There was a Wait But Why post about it that convinced me.
Bigger army diplomacy. Also Sansa could still be queen of the north without Rickon dying as he is assumed dead by everyone and hidden away.
Actually that’s a real A+E thing that needs to be considered when resuscitating people. There are some CRAZY stories out there. Like a 3yo girl who was under ice for 30 mins and was technically dead for hours but managed to walk out of hospital 2 weeks later. Human body is full of WTF moments.
They refer at all times to their real gender ie this person was assigned female at birth and now identifies as male.
My cousin lost her dad after a long battle with cancer when she was only 4. The whole situation was horrendous, but at least she knew he was going. This must be like getting hit by a train.
It's the seven year old daughter that got me. Fuck sake.
That is fucking savage.
Almond liqueur + cranberry = marzipan drink.