Harbour Seal

Matt Berry is a lovely person in real life. But I see what you mean.

There’s a special place in a gulag for me

That is truly disgusting. However that Russian secretary russian in and putin him in his place makes me stalingrad she was there.

It’s what I love about them though - six sisters and all of them completely different.

Yeah it was kind of cheeky to do that ;)

Yeah, her and Nancy were probably the most “normal” ones, though I always loved Jessica for being a socialist and running away with her boyfriend.

La Petite Tour


Ah, but the people you name who are on boards are at the top tier of a company with lots of people working for them. They don’t have to be respected by the public at large, they just have to be respected within their own bubble and area of expertise.

I actually think both are true, and there is no reason why they can’t be - a sort of professional double-whammy.


Yeah, I’ve heard front loaders are better (they are the ones we have here). You ever heard of a winter-dyke? It's like a vertical clothes line for inside. I stick mine next to the radiator and it dries fine. Though I miss my tumble dryer too :(

Also, I wasn’t sexually objectifying but pointing out the personality differences between two vey different professions.

I am bisexual. The paediatrician I had sex with was a woman. Soz.

I mean, if you REALLY want me to, I’ll go get the sources and information I looked up for my dissertation on the History of Women in Medicine. It’s actually a romping good read, if I do say so myself, but I found lots of information on female physicians in the profession around the world throughout time and how they

Let’s just use this opportunity to remind everyone that things were so bad in the 90s MEDICAL STUDENT APPICATIONS DECREASED DRAMATICALLY AND THAT TREND IS NOW BEING REPEATED (a ~14% drop in 2 years).

Right, I don’t understand this: what kind of percentage population are you talking about don’t have a washing machine in their house/flat? Because almost every single house and flat has one in the UK. Laundries are where we go for big items or emergency situations (ie washing machine breaks down). Even as a student we

So it took me a while to find the American information for you. As you can see, even within surgical specialties, there is a trend for female dominated specialties to have lower average salaries. However I can see your little face looking at some outliers like OGYN and thinking “hur dur this specialty is paid more

Thing is different specialities for doctors earn different average salaries. Female dominated ones have lower average salaries.