Harbour Seal

Mate neurosurgeons are second only to orthopaedic surgeons for the ego you have to straddle. If you want to date(bang) a doctor I am all about the paediatricians. They are DELIGHTFUL.

As a soon-to-be doctor in the UK, it doesn’t surprise me that the idea to essentially cut junior doctors pay by fiddling with overtime/unsocial hours has happened just as far more women are entering the profession, particularly in the younger and upcoming generations.

It was all a bit shit. Luckily enough absolutely fuck all had changed with regards to this situation except for the fact I am guaranteed a very good job in 2.5 years time.

I love her also mainly because I pestered her into watching the west wing and then she finally watched the west wing and loved it<3

Nope but buddy you can bet all the money in your pocket that I am going to do that.

I remember my daughter shitting in the last nappy I had as soon as I put it on her and I had to borrow money off my mum to buy a new packet, as well as get her to buy them for me because I couldn’t leave the house.

Don’t mind me I’m just rubbing your comment all over my body.

One of my favourite stories about these two is that they ended up having to refilm a their scenes in the PoA (or was it OotP??) because they had swapped roles with each other and no one knew until near the end. Also, they skipped school to audition.

where have u been i was worried


I can feel this: I am not a person to be in charge but I would make a great whip because GODDAMN YOU’LL DO AS YOU ARE TOLD

We should be really careful about saying this because it isn’t the way it’s done and saying that out loud could get you into real trouble.

Not only that, but chromosomal abnormalities are actually not uncommon or rare - you can have the different chromosomes to your assigned gender and not even REALISE that you are until you are tested.

Still a better candidate than Trump.

Australia - fucked up animals, fucked up emotions

Fucking Dance Academy man.... It was like “here is a teen show about ballet dancers” at first then it was all “here is the black hole where my emotions used to be”

If my kid turned into Trump I would consider myself a failure as a parent.

Yeah, I am crying now. She was just a little girl. When I see my daughter tonight I'm gonna hug her so hard xx

Yeah, sorry, if it was my beautiful, clever, funny daughter with lead poisoning and a nurse said this she better make sure she can outrun me first.