Harbour Seal

U r also my fave xxxxxxxxxxx

U r my fave xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Well I do. As history shows, time and time again, female contributions are minimised or just outright stolen. Just look at Rosalind Franklin, to name the most famous case. She should have been named on the paper, she should have posthumously won that Noble Prize, but Watson did his absolute best to portray her as a

Honest to God, the rage I feel on these women’s behalf makes me want to start research into editing out the “asshole tendencies” in Lander.

Was his name Richard?

Cher is an absolute bae xxx

Yeah, it was weird because I find it so difficult to stand up for myself and can be very accommodating in general but, like my last nice boyfriend said, “It’s like you’ve got this warm, maternal, soft outside but that surrounds the fucking actual grit in your soul.” The more he insisted we meet, the desperate tone,

Right, this is my exact story, almost to the goddamn word and timing. Either you are me, or you have dated the same guy, or someone has had the shits in the dating pool and there is more than one.

She doesn’t miss and hit the wall my mum. She also spends a small fortune on stationery/uniforms/coats/PE kits for kids who say they “forget” but whose parents just don’t have the money or don’t care about their kids.

A guy asked me out: he was in my class, handsome and funny, very clever. We dated, and at each point I felt under so much pressure to conform to his ideal person. He would get pissed for petty reasons, denigrate me, a few times he physically hurt me during sex way past the point of enjoyable. He was completely

That is a brilliant series! Based on the UK’s Casualty (I think they even use the same actors) and I’m pretty sure it was meant to celebrate 50 years of the NHS by portraying what hospitals were like 100 years ago. So many shocks - particularly opening and closing times for the “A+E”/Medical Receiving.

I declare this week FUCKING BULLSHIT

She sounds like my mum: her kids at school are her kids, dammit. I love the thought of that woman being told off in the “teacher voice”.


Yeah but he knew after wards, which is the rudeness.

Yeah, I found that super-rude and I think Di Caprio is great. There was literally no need afterwards to refer to Gaga a “what” rather than a “who”. It just makes you seem like an asshole Leo!

Yeah, as someone who is Scottish as well, it just seems ridiculous to me paying for contraception. Contraception pays for itself! It’s a worthwhile investment for countries to make.

Ok, maybe you need $120 leaf water


Mate, you want the $120 tea, you more cats, I think we need to stage an intervention at this point