Harbour Seal

That pun takes the proverbial biscuit. Feel free to Hob Nob it with us whenever you like.

If he says you’re full, you know what you have to do right?

I am dead with the cute. Dead.

He is ADORABLE. I just want to smooch him with kisses. Even my daughter thinks he’s got lovely hair “all wavy like the seas - swoosh!”

omg thank you for your words of sense I am never ever drinking again.

Cool I think I will wait cheers mate HAPPY NEW YEAR xxx

UUUUUUUURGH I am now too drunk to explain the whole story BIT I MISS HIM OMG SO MUCH I NEED MY BEST FRIEND BACK


I <3 mark xxx

Being a man of a certain age, he’s probably putting it off until it's worse. Older men are extraordinarily reluctant to visit doctors, and it just looks bad because of the flash.


Thanks! She had such a great time. Do you know what she really wanted to see? Notre Dame. The Hunchback of Notre Dame is her favourite Disney film (my daughter has great taste in films).

We went to PARIS (I’m Scottish so it wasn’t far away) and it was amazing. We went to Disneyland Paris as well and I cried mat the end of the day while my girl was trying to be as cool af. It was only for a few days so we squeezed loads in!

This year my mum paid for me and my daughter to go on holiday. It was our first holiday together. She’s eight and we are pretty poor.

The hurt and pain she must feel is incomprehensible to me, as are the actions of the policemen and the lack of charges being pressed.

Me, my mum and my daughter went to see it on opening night. It was AWESOME. There were loads of other mums and daughters there as well.

OK, so this story is just too depressing for Christmas so I’m going to tell a good one to balance it out.


Did she have a persistent cough? Night sweats? Breathlessness? Did she smoke? Was there a family history? Weight loss?

There are people in my medical school (I’m 3rd year in UK) who should not be doctors, and teachers also admit that there are those in our year who really shouldn’t be let near people.