This article was extremely well-timed for my life as it currently sits. Thank you Sarah. I needed this - it's like a little boost of encouragement. Wish me luck, homies.
This article was extremely well-timed for my life as it currently sits. Thank you Sarah. I needed this - it's like a little boost of encouragement. Wish me luck, homies.
This is beautifully written, and so honest it hurts. I have never been an alcoholic- I was a smoker. When I stopped smoking it was because I knew it was better for me to not smoke. And when I stopped, it was as though I was naked, or had no skin. I felt intensely vulnerable, my coping mechanism was gone. So I can…
That’s what I’m thinking. But it’s also too easy to assume, as a white person, that all spaces belong to me. Some don’t - and that’s okay - and I want to acknowledge and respect the boundaries of spaces that aren’t meant for me. There’s not always a clear line (at least, I can’t always see a clear line) between…
Same here. If it weren’t for potential health issues down the road, I would have no reason to even consider lowering my alcohol consumption. I don’t drink as much as you do, since I’m a petite woman, but it’s difficult for me to spend a night without drinking. Right now, it’s causing me zero problems, and I like the…
I read your book, and I loved it. It was so brutally honest without trying to prove anything. I quit drinking last year, April 15th, and I stayed sober for 9.5 months. In February of this year, the sun came out in Austin, and by God I wanted a chilly glass of Pinot Grigio. But I was terrified. I had used Allan Carr’s…
Hey buddy, I’m in the same boat. Well a smaller boat(5'2, 120). I am a smart drunk. I know how much water I need, and what food to eat. What alcohol to avoid.
This is so well written. Tried not to cry but it finally got me. Beautiful.
I felt a little emotional reading this thread, and the replies. I don’t necessarily blackout when I drink (certainly have but not every night) but I seem to do it to excess, and constantly go through a cycle of get drunk-do stupid things-suffer crippling fear and regret with the onset of a hangover-spiral into…
God, I can’t tell if I hate those girls or feel sorry for them.
You know what’s harder? Accepting the person close to you did these things, then being there for them to help them accept responsibility, own the havoc they’ve caused and support them through transitioning to a life in which they move forward and make amends for the awful thing they did. That’s being a friend. That’s…
Here are some of the things you can do:
The fish in my son’s aquarium turned cannibal and he had many, many questions about this. I’d very much welcome the chance to change the topic to lesbian fish.
Fair enough. But there are minority groups in many movements that advocate for the extreme positions.
Come on people, is that the face of a man with any opinions on politics? No. It is not. Unless Politics is the name of a cold-brew coffee shop or a modeling agency.
I’ll vote with my labia if it means wrapping it around that hot lever
It can be...
The US is literally the only country that has ever even tried tackle the issues that come with mixing many races in one place.
Oh, it is bad over here.
I’m such a naif I thought he was gonna come out sharp looking, but still black.