
So you only find Deadspin funny when they are ripping on other fanbases and stupid people, but when they mock a large number of Cardinals fans you get all bent out of shape.

And I honestly hope that they are just trolling and don't actually feel this way. For some reason I think I'm wrong..

These Cardinals fans are what real-life trolls look like, crawling out of the internet-hole.

To be fair to the Browns, they have a 68 year stint where they weren't playing football.

You know, I think you're on to something. In fact, why not worry about the out-of-bounds line. If the ball goes through the back of the endzone, just keep playing ("hustle rule" style) for the ball. First one to get it gets the ball, either a TD or a touchback. It should result in some security guards and cheerleaders

As I said, way down in the second paragraph: "Why not keep possession but put the ball at the 1, or 2, or 20 even."

That's not really all that hard to do. I like that - Wherever they lost the ball, retain possession there. Just make it consistent. The offense worked all the way down the field, they shouldn't lose the ball just because they fumbled it on one side of the pylon instead of the other.

Though, it is awesome when your team is on the receiving end!

I hate this rule. Fumble it out at the 1, retain possession at the 1. Fumble it into the endzone, LOSE possession! WHAT!?

Congratatations Everyone. Congratatatatatatations!