
The issue with the champagne on the field is not a “won’t somebody think of the children?” argument because they might SEE someone spraying champagne, it’s a problem because they are spraying fans. I think we can all agree that baseball players should not be spraying minors with champagne.

The guy with the butt out is the same guy in the Zubaz (sp?) that was at the slap fight thing last week, protecting the grill!! The same pants, I hope it’s the same guy!

srsly, how did you know?

Why, from dust? Can’t you just clean them before you use them, as long as they’re not visibly filthy?

Why, from dust? Can’t you just clean them before you use them, as long as they’re not visibly filthy?

I’m a Yankees fan and even I LOVE the response from Gomez! HAA

So who took home the trophy this year, and how did he attempt to hold it in a way that makes it look like he is not penetrating Oscar Robinson?

Argentina was playing England, not Sweden! Surely you must have a different one you would take back. But really, why is this the one you’d take back?

Lol, idiot. Deadspin isn't in the top 10. (love Deadspin though)

A lot of high schools have a GPA scale that goes to 5. My high school did. Also, at least at my above average high school, somehow you could go above scale. I don't recall how - if AP's were worth more, or if it was extra credit or something? Maybe some scaling, but you could get a 5.2 IIRC.

I appreciate your stories, no worries!

So, after reading all that, still no help... Sorry Bernie!


I'm pretty sure the investigation was about as thorough as that as well, spaced out over 5 years.

Thanks! I'm sure there is still some gaming, and it can't be based on just past performance. What about rookies? And the NFL must have some say in the classification, if not the final determination always. Teams should totally just put a ton of money into players' contracts in the unlikely category and the players

How does guaranteed money vs. bonus money work with the salary cap?

I agree, especially with the last sentence. I hate sports when they're so up-tight and pretentious. Just have fun with it - it's a fucking game!

Man, I'm certainly not an expert at homemade contraptions, but not a novice either, and I did NOT follow that really. Do you put water in it? Where exactly is the green, and where do you smoke from?

We appreciate your sympathy.

I like your style. The more chaos the better! I say they convert A-Rod back to shortstop and put him back in clean-up. Let him play every game no matter how good/bad he is. Then he can mock the commissioner all day every day and total anarchy ensues!