
intelligent implies way too much -the driver for example was not intelligent at all, blatantly ignoring a clear warning on the dashboard that he should be alert and ready to take over at any time. He would have done the same no matter what the system was called.

those two statements aren’t mutually exclusive. One turned left into incoming traffic, the other was distracted - both are traffic violations.

VW got caught, when Tesla gets caught cheating with the logged data, the company is DONE. VW will probably survive, but only because they didn’t sell that many diesel cars in the US, and laws in Europe regarding damages are different. Besides, VW is 25% owned by a federal state, you really think the government will

there is such thing as open beta, where everyone can participate. How could tesla make sure the drivers understand their portion of the responsibilities with regard to autopilot features? All owners who use the feature must sign an agreement that explicitly states they should be alert at all times. It aslo says so on

how much money do you think the feds have given them since the day they repaid their federal loan in full?

piloting is not the same as driving. You have a driver’s license, not a pilot’s license for your car, why on earth would you assume autopilot means the car can drive itself from point A to point B completly unasisted? You are quoting what Autopilot can do in an Airplane TODAY, how many people beside actual pilots know

it’s easy to make stuff up and then disprove it - “Autopilot allows you to rest your eyes and arms”- nope, WRONG!!! Autopilot does not allow you to rest your eyes, it explicitly states you must be alert at all times. Besides, the idiot who killed himself wasn’t even resting his eyes, he was watching a movie on a