
In other words, it’s unfair to men when we also listen to women. Gotcha, bro.

Yeah, they just use courtesy titles, unlike most other news outlets, so they use them for everyone. It is arcane, but that’s the gray lady.

I agree that Booker is likely a strong contender

Easy, that’s not the demo she needs to win the general. Bernie’s voters weren’t numerous enough to win a primary let alone the general. Most of them will solidify behind Hillary anyway. Ones who don’t (the Bros) probably wouldn’t vote for her anyway.

So from a late 30s white feminist Hillary supporter :) ... I don’t think anyone should vote for Hillary just bc she’s a woman. Definitely not. I’m thrilled that we’re on the cusp of electing a woman as president (!) but if it were, say, Condolezza Rice instead (very qualified, but against my political outlook) I

So now there’s a glass ceiling to break glass ceilings? Only a man can do that right? Thank god we have ultra-feminist Donald Trump on our side.

So there’s no real difference between everyday sex (whether casual or committed) and selling sex to stangers? If that were true the only thing keeping huge numbers of people from prostitution would be the current laws against it. Otherwise, what the hell, I do it anyway, might as well get paid for it! No, I don’t

What about selling our own organs? In theory they’re ours to do with as we please, but the vast majority of people who would choose to sell an organ are most likely doing so out of extreme duress and desperation. If a legitimate buying market is set up for human organs, who will wind up providing the supply? And who

Yeah, valid points, and I do agree with what you’re saying. As far as the difference between prostitution and other body-based professions, I think it comes down to the element of force/last resort-ness you mention. Few people going into legal prostitution would be doing it because it was a toss-up between that and

No, granted it doesn’t directly “affect” me (returning patronizing for patronizing) but that doesn’t mean I’m an idiot with an invalid point here or that I don’t care about the women and girls involved.

I agree with him. I think it’s fundamentally wrong for our laws to enshrine the idea that women are things that can be bought. By all means have laws that criminalize the buying more than the selling and do everything possible to help sex workers stay safe even while we say it shouldn’t happen, but I don’t agree to

I think it’s funny in a stupid way bc it seems like she was most concerned about the privacy of her personal emails if they got included in the public record. Gee, what could make her concerned about that? Perhaps the fairly reasonable expectation that someone would come up with some wackadoo conspiracy theories based

I don’t mind having a period as a check-in that, yep, the robot stick in my arm is working as planned and I am not pregnant. But 4 months in with the implant I’ve had periods all over the place. Like sometimes every other week. It blows and I hope it settles soon. Terrible cramps are waaaay improved so thankful for

I thought Dany’s second naked fire escapade was a little unimaginiative. Has she learned anything about actually ruling since the first time she did this? I guess we’ll see, but from this episode it just looks like the biggest lesson is: Do the fire thing in front of a bigger group of people. Meanwhile, Slaver’s Bay

Right. And if her slogan were “make America fair again” everyone would just whine that it’s weak feminine gimme-pleading. Hillary is tough and she should act as such.

I love how this guy basically thinks women will be all, “wait, I don’t want to be in the draft! Is this equality? Well, then, good sir, you do indeed know what’s best for me! Please don’t pay me fairly or hire me for that job after all!”

Bernie only accepts donations brought to him by doe-eyed woodland critters.

And nearly 9 million people have voted for Hillary so far vs. just over 6 million for Sanders, according to RealClearPolitics. Obviously the primary is decided by delegates, not the popular vote, but it seems as though the former is following the latter pretty well.

That’s fair, they probably wouldn’t be totally unhurt by a Trump presidency for the reasons you mention. Though I think people already stuck in poverty, for example, will suffer more, more immediately and more permenantly.

These extreme liberals are just as much of a threat to the country as the extreme conservatives. And I say that while considering myself a progressive liberal. Susan Sarandon and the white hipster 20-somethings who support Sanders aren’t going to suffer any ill from this “revolution” they want so badly—that’ll be on