
Maybe that’s why he’s always running. He’s just trying to outrun the apocalypse. We should all feel bad about making fun of him when he’s just trying to save us all. He’s so selfless.

Holy crap. Is Joaquin Phoenix a zombie now because he doesn’t look alive.

She’s annoying but I do enjoy how she calls Harry by his full name. I’d do this too but my husband’s full name isn’t that fun to say.

Ummmm. I’ll wait till they get back and take a nap for 10 hours with them.

Let’s just teach the kids to ignore racism just like their parents. Sounds like a crappy plan.

Awe she likes to sleep on her buddies.

Is he straddling that couch? He has beautiful blue eyes.

Imaginary terrorist attacks are pretty scary. Never remember to forget where you were when it didn’t happen.

All of America wants to take a nap on his shoulder right about now.

I have one of those nosy dogs too. She’s 5 pounds but 3 of those pounds are her big mouth. She’s always in everybody’s business.

They look like their living the life I want to.

Awww puppy friends. They look like they’re about to go on an adventure. Take me with you doggies.

Good luck with that. Nothing brings out the anger and knee pain like a long Catholic wedding ceremony. You never leave without thinking, “Shake your own fucking hand.”

Girl, that chemical peel looks painful. Her eyelids were burnt off.

It must be the humidity there.

She is definitely a lover of the gunny sack dress.

It’s a love for the ages.

But it makes the reunions so fun to watch. I’ve skipped watching the full season of most RH shows and just watch the reunions. I love those painfully awkward confrontations.

He’s definitely the most honest asshole on the show. This has definitely been a more mellow Jax. It must be his old age setting in.

He is the worst cryer ever. It’s what I think the young folks refer to as being, “extra as fuck”. Or is that just EAF? I need to go chase some kids of my lawn now.