Bill the Loveable Kitty

That I didn't know.

Steven Spielberg was trying to get Gene to come out of retirement to do voice work for The BFG, but he apparently didn't want to do it.

"I'm in complete remission. I'm alive and well."—Gene Wilder

Pretty sure footprints in snow are easy to follow.
They end at the river (cross river) they begin again…

Monsieur Shia LaBeouf

I was looking forward to seeing Harrison Ford return in Indiana Jones and the Particular Hard Toffee!

Pop Album? Does this mean she'll be making the obligatory Naked pop music video?

I always thought Michael Jace made a good Black Panther.


What side did Wolverine and Sabretooth fight for during the Civil War anyway?

Speaking about making movies based on comic strips.
Any script writers out there willing to throw Bill here some work?

With the Golden Globes just hours away, the question on everyone's lips is…