
Squad of dead eyes zombies

She’s currently starring in Grace & Frankie, a charming Netflix sitcom about how Lilly Tomlin and Jane Fonda’s husbands leave them for each other, and the women have to readjust their lives.

To all the people complaining about the courts sending people to AA: The court-ordered DUI program I was sentenced to required 52 “self-help” meetings. AA was listed as an example of one of the types of meetings you could go to, but was not the sole method of meeting the court’s orders. This was also in California.

I’ll admit it: I’ve been signing my own court cards for the last 6 months.

Seconding a few others who have mentioned it: have you checked out SMART? It’s not a 12-step, doesn’t have anything to do with a higher power, and is rooted in cognitive behavioral therapy/modification.

something i hate about AA is how polarizing it is. next week i’ll have two years sober thanks to AA and i see it on both sides. people being adamant it’s the only solution and people (already in the comments) declaring it is garbage because it didnt work for them.