Why is the font so big? It looks like I'm screaming!
Why is the font so big? It looks like I'm screaming!
Yes, it is I.
Yes, it is I.
Oooh, burn. That was a good one, micropeen.
You are a hall of fame Loser for that comment. Also, you may beat out J Bieber for Giant Douche of the year.
Take it easy, Loser.
I used to be a F/A and I witnessed this BS on the regular. Those guys were often the same ones who would openly say degrading crap to the people waiting on them (me and my coworkers). I used to set these people straight and I hope other flight attendants do as well when they witness this kind of crap. "you will behave…
Awesome, good to know.
Are you fucking kidding me? Just because this has not happened to you, you assume it is a lie? I live in NYC and have walked for blocks while the same guy threatens to rape me repeatedly, walking just feet behind me, and in such graphic detail I have never been able to repeat to anyone. All the male bystanders…
I don't believe it is appropriation if she is competing among Arabs. I feel it is a sign of respect. Most of the rest of the world is exposed to our music and they like it, can sing it even if they don't understand. I think this woman shows great appreciation for the art form. Its not like she is Miley saying "look at…
I hear you, Hooters.
Is there a place on the internet for objective discussion? I see what you're saying , but, the purpose of Jez is to have a space where the slant goes in this direction. If you want slant the other way, go almost every where else. as for objectivity onthe internet, please, tell me where.
Is there a place on the internet for objective discussion? I see what you're saying , but, the purpose of Jez is to have a space where the slant goes in this direction. If you want slant the other way, go almost every where else. as for objectivity onthe internet, please, tell me where.
So, what the eff is a pantalette? If that's it above I need a better picture.
What's with this comment? Same sex/gendered couples, non-cisgendered couples, trans people in relationships, and yes even hetero males perhaps could use this app. Excluding them (are you snarking at males/mra's who claim women are more often abusive?) would be detrimental to everyone.who want to combat intimate…
What's with this comment... Same sex/gendered couples, non-cisgendered couples, trans people in relationships, and yes even hetero males perhaps could use this app. Excluding them (are you snarking at males/mra's who claim women are more often abusive?) would be detrimental to everyone.who want to combat intimate…