Happy Minds

Indeed a lot of fun. Maybe not enough to justify the many bad hours I've spent hate watching but the unexpected treats in life are indeed the sweetest :)
Also able to appreciate how gorgeous it looks when the script is on the money.
I'm sure next week will be a low but there is a small whistful part that maybe

Oh no, much worse. I watched it all. Right down to the very last splat on the front grill of a long distance truck. I really wish I had the balls to go out at season five.
I'm just not that guy. I clung on waiting for it to be like it was back in the good old days of season one and two (they were good, right ?) Maybe

It would take a consistent (probably a whole season of A's) to watch another Sutter development. However it only takes an F to make me read a review of how bad his work is.

At times you see minute glimpses of the compelling show it thinks it could be.
The emotional journey your expected to go on is to jarring and forced. Scenes that should be moving are funny. Scenes that should be shocking are funny. Scenes that should be funny are contrite and sad.
Still it's by far the worse show I

Asylum was amazing. Brilliant horror tv. Covan started well, the set up was interesting. The characters compelling. Then it just tore down hill, with Steve Knicks loudly blasting along. I enjoyed hate watching it till the very end. Freak show I was much wiser and gave up episode three. I think I will hold of on hotel.

Still think they will use the pits for Sara, the darkness will add a random depth to her character. She's possibly strong get than Thea and will channel the darkness, butit will also become a plot device in legends or tomorrow.
I'm really looking forward to Sara's return. Although Laurel is still one of the most

I never realised classy was a prerequisite for posting a comment on the AV club. Glad I could add to your outrage.

They need to work the pits out of being a never ever really dead device. Looking forward to seeing consitatine, high hopes he works better on the CW.

She sounded like a tiny "Mewling quim"

Agree with the Thea turning bad arrow and joining Darhk but believe she will die and ask before not to be reserected again thus taking the pits out the equation.

Flash has such a strong team of amazing actors. It's a real joy at times to watch. Nice to watch a super hero show that has warmth and fun at it's core.
I'm a lot more pensive about the arrow returning tonight.

I hope that it's not a famliy drama but a post apocalyptic breaking bad, where each character discovers there own personal moral low point early on and pushes beyond that. The whole series is how this one gang of survivors inadvertently through careless and pointed selfishness, systematically prevent any chance of the

They can do shorter montages than soa, so that's a win. They will get there. Montage of heroin looting to come and happy oxy days ahead.

That's a very good point. Ben was the catalyst for every bad decision. Maybe the true hidden message in NOTLD(and other zombie flicks) is people make a small problem much worse. In action is the best choice. When faced with a crisis do the least amount and we will be fine.
Will the hole in the fence lead to the

That is a good possibility Joe, I think they have mentioned it a lot, especially in the first episode. Although that would maybe not explain why everyone is infected.

Whatever it is, I bet it doesn't compare to episode ten's musical montage that actually goes on for two hours, sung of course by Katey Sagal. I can't imagine anything more disturbing or unpleasant.

No the virus as explained in the walking dead has already infected everyone. Hence people turning after they die .
Since this is an origin story , they will labour the origin of how the virus infects everyone. It's not a case of hell being full. It's a viral infection. Explained at the cdc at the end of season one of

I watched the remake of night of the dead, it does a brilliant job of conveying the sheer horror of the situation. Each character goes through stages of denial, repulsion and the survivors move to acceptance. Does that better in the first thirty minutes than has been (or will be done) in this or the other walking

It's in the water, that's why there showing people going to the tap and having a drink.

Anyone else notice that there seems to be a lot of tap based water drinking ? I'm guessing this is how the virus infects everyone.