Happy Minds

Alicia who got over seeing a reanimated corpse eating a dog in her living room, then said corpse getting shot in the face. As civilisation falls apart around her. Has time to get beach sexy and backchat with 'I was having a pee' half expecting her to say 'your not my dad Travis' bet that line comes in the next

I read an interview with Josh, he said when he is stuck he draws inspiration from CCM, standing on the shoulders of giants there Josh ! Bass drop. Dope like Jesus.

If only all religious people were like Colbert, the world would be a happy place. So warm, genuine and nice he makes his faith seem like the bestest thing. That's a scary cult like power, that if ever turned to the creation of a Colbert death Cult I would probably join.

Or game of thrones, get pushed of one side of a castle wall you die. Jump of other side which is at least as high, you live.

It's hard to imagine someone not enjoying the IT crowd. Seriously it's an incredible funny show. I find sometimes with new shows I need to give them a series before I get into the style of comedy. Always sunny for example took a couple of seasons before I got it fully. Actually Will Ferrell was incredibly unfunny(to

Give the concert DVD a go. The tracks come alive and his art can really be appreciated in full. Then the album clicks into place.

People always let you down :) I'm not entirely able to say why, but I loved that story.
I love this song, it reminds me of working as a pizza chef after uni finished and I had no 'big love' in my life so it's untainted by regret or any type of pain. Just make me think of being 'king of the pizza oven'

He had to, go downstairs to the dungeon and speak to Ray, get the information (at least) about the nano tech. Go back to starling, pick up the nano tech, over to central city. Shoot reverse flash in the back, jump back on the red eye to Nissa and enjoy the rest of his wedding night. Before hopping into the plane back

Barry turning up to unlock a door but not willing to zoom over to help save an entire city of people, completely out of character, last night he was willing to save the meta humans. Tonight he has an overdue conversation to have. He had the time to run to Namba (which could well be half way between the two cities).

couldn't do that, no phones in Burton's batman, although they have phones in Gotham and no internet. , What weird universe is this. Imagine a world where every one has a mobile phone but no one has a personal computer. Not even the gcpd.
Season 2 : the Barbra Gordon chronicles, watch it for the acting, stay for the

Should be in more episodes. The woman's amazing.
Also bring back Sara Gilbert as a love rival or something. That's a lot of tallent.

Much like the whole premise of the show. The same joke and situations repeated over and over and over again. With the characters getting each season just a little less likeable and recognizable.
Still as the comment below says about vewer inertia setting in. Ill most likely watch it till it a natural conclusion. It

I have a bit of a background fear with every show I enjoy that Ray is going to fall from the sky. Drop a Ray bomb and leave the show slightly tainted.

I think she's a treat with them on or of. I liked the attention to detail, Maybe it's to promote a safe sex aspect to there love. Oliver's a practical man, he know's the glasses would just get squished all over her face during the hot passion.

Ray could do more good world wide with his nano robots. All the life's he could save. Not as exciting a series as his plastic man suit … It maybe it would be. Like house but he goes hospital to hospital with his nano robots curing different deseases from the inside with his 'na-no ro-bots' (lends itself to a catchy

Who would be buying portishead albums ? I doubt he would make more if the old paradigm of record cds. They haven't released a album since 2008, have only released three albums. Two of which are okay.
It's lucky he is even relevant enough to make this news worthy. You want to make more money , tour, promote. Release an

Antman vs Thomas the tank engine looks much better. More fun. The crossover of fun.

But it signals dread ! How would we all know this is going to be a dreadful movie without it. I'm going to create a whole field of aversion therapy with that noise, think about that thing, then <bwaaaaaauuuuuugggggghhh>