
None... that’s NONE of these assholes ever confronted him on his lies and general bullshit back when it would have done some good. You think there’s an obligation to have him on, which may be true, but there’s no obligation to fawn over him like they all did.

Just looking at their messy desk is giving me anxiety. I’d be walking through there picking up empty/half-full cups and grumbling to myself like I do at home.

I hope you are being sarcastic. Kanye West is a pos. Fortunately, he has no political power.

Which is definitely a good reason to host a town hall for a racist

To be fair, only bad people have great relationships with Trump

I just spit out my seltzer. Fucking hilarious. I don’t watch the show, but now it makes sense why Kate McKinnon was drinking a Jamba Juice on the Morning Joe sketch a couple weeks ago. LOL thanks for this! I needed a good laugh today.

The presence of multiple extra mugs filled with pens is partcularly bonkers. Who needs that many writing utensils on a TV show?

I never realized that Morning Joe was filmed at my cubicle on hangover mornings at work.

Hargan’s “vetted for criminality” explicitly excludes being an undocumented alien? Kinda puts paid to the the right-wing “they’re all criminals hurr durr” narrative, doesn’t it?

and in all cases have been vetted for criminality and ability to provide for them

Thats the core of the issue, isnt it? People are dumping on the Obama administration for its treatment of the migrant kids in order to take away responsibility ftom the Trump admin for doing the same thing or worse. Also hes celebrating ripping families apart.

Renard — what I don’t understand is how sponsors who were “extremely vetted” by ORR/HHS could be undocumented? Wouldn’t this have disqualified them as sponsors from the get-go?

The children aren’t missing, per se. They are just hiding - like Anne Frank - because we’re a nation of monsters now. I hope that settles that.” - Eric Hargan, probably, 2018.

This is a fucking smokescreen. It’s basically the same argument from that twitter thread that keeps getting brought up that was started by a supposed immigration lawyer. I’ll bet a crisp twenty that the source is the same.

Sigh, another day, another worthless, soulless European American exposing herself...

“In summary, what happened was road rage, but not to the extent that we could establish road rage or any other crime,” public information officer Geneva Bosques told the New York Daily News.

>>> Nobody ever would have given a shit about anything Betsy DeVos ever did in her life if she didn’t have nine digits before the zero in the bank

Oh shit lol I forgot he was still part of this whole cluster. How bad has it gotten that I forgot Rick “Smart Glasses” Perry with his ag degree is now in charge of nuclear energy and radioactive waste disposal?

I would be pleased if she would just say “I’m just here to dismantle the nation’s public education the same way I poured enough money into Michigan to destroy their public school system. All kids should be educated by religious schools, and by that I mean conservative Protestant schools, and not Catholic or Gawd

Why the fuck do all of Trump’s cabinet appointments have “Honorable” tacked on to the front of their name like some shitty hood ornament?