It’s stunning. I agree- people are not ready; I’m still a bit- whoa from it all.
I was at a Q+A for season 1 of Walking Dead that went a weird, but great way - a guy got up to ask his question and the actors and audience were stunned - no one paid a bit of attention to what he asked because his voice was so amazing! No one gave a damn about the question, they just wanted to hear him talk. Could…
They caught her in the moment she said “Doooooosh.”
Super-Rigid Onesie is an awesome punk band name.
The face Melania Trump makes every day.
The saying “There’s one born every minute.” needs to be updated. Maybe “There’s one born every 10 seconds.” or even shorter for red states.
Don’t know which is funnier- the original comment or your missing the joke.
Any articles about Tucker or any Fox News “personalities” should be required to lead with this image.
I assumed it was foot tapping in a men’s room stall at an airport.
Trumps idiot plan to build to build a massively expensive border wall that won’t work, but “libs something something something”. Surprised you didn’t bring up Hilary’s e-mails.
I didn’t notice that - but this seriously triggers my marketing gag reflex.
“I loved it. It was much better than Cats. I’d see it again and again.”
You’re puttin me on.
My intestinal tract and papa johns relationship is in an awkward place.
“which is expected to spawn all three books:”
oh yea- that one. sheesh!
oh yea- that one. sheesh!
Thanks for letting me relive that nightmare!
That’s “Frankensteen”.