
I see stories like this and am reminded of the Black Mirror episode “Nosedive” and its “social credit” system. It still gives me nightmares because this is where we’re going. Possibly even nobodies like me will have to be very concerned about how our reputations preceede us. All the same, there’s no reason to mistreat

There might have been some “You know who I am.”

I’m looking forward to seeing the Henson documentary, but for Henson fans, the multi-part deep dive into Henson’s entire career that Defunctland did a few years ago is absolutely extraordinary and a must-watch.

“Taco keeses!”

Julia Louis-Dreyfus remains unchallenged as the Best Dreyfus(s).

Although elderly women in acting are still rather rare compared to men. A lot of women performers disappear in their 40s because the public is thought to not want to see older women in things. While men can be cast even as romantic leads long past normal retirement age.

Matt Damon! MATT DAMON!

Best/worst one so far:

My favorite Onion headline from around the time Supersize Me was in theaters:

Agree that context and timeline is really important here. Yes, if Super Size Me came out in 2024 everyone would say “duh”. Part of the reason everyone would say duh is because Super Size Me came out in 2004. Which then paved the way for Food Inc, Jamie Oliver, and ten million Netflix documentaries on the subject that

Agree — I’m in my early 40s and been having trouble explaining to my younger friends 10-20 years my junior just how, well, “big” Super Size Me was when it came out and what kind of impact it had. No one was ever under the impression that fast food was healthy, but the degree to which it was unhealthy, and how systemic

Always thought it was weird people criticized SSM as like an actual scientific experiment when it’s pretty clear it was gonzo journalism. I’m not the biggest fan or detractor, but I think it’s disingenuous to act like he was doing a controlled experiment, and it actually did have an impact on the food industry, I

Yeah, I laughed at the twitter discourse as well because I was already 31 when it came out and I had friends over 300 pounds who ate fucking McDonalds every other day and they thought that was normal. Now they are in their 50's and paying for it as well.

It’s a shame that his legacy will always be Supersize Me, a flawed documentary that I never cared for. His real strength was his TV series, 30 Days and Inside Man, which really explored compelling corners of life with an empathetic eye.

I saw the twitter dunking and it was mostly being made by people who weren’t even alive in ‘04 when Super Size Me came out. Even at it’s release ‘Oh wow guy eats nothing but Mcdonald’s and gets fat stop the presses’ was a wide criticism of the films concept. But at the time it was pretty hard to know what was being

Way too young. Fuck cancer.

And that’s aside from the fact that the distribution of revenue between the ticket-seller and the venue, given that they’re not competitors, has nothing to do with whether either of them is a monopoly.

Practically everything in their response was either a straight-up lie or at least highly misleading. Kind of a masterpiece of bullshit, really.

Your problem is that you don’t know how to treat the customer! You don’t know how to treat the crypt keeper!

Help daddy get his rock’s off.