
It’s funny that when right-wingers try to sound intellectual, what comes out of their mouths is word salad.

I’m incredibly lucky to spend most of my time around smart, rational, successful people. And while I’ve know these people are just one end of the spectrum, it’s still jarring to be reminded how absolutely, fist-fuckingly stupid so many Americans are.

“Another left-wing celebrity who is part of the Democrat elite telling you what to think.”

I didn’t get the sense watching the last season that anything was unresolved. I’m sure the writers and producers had ideas, but I was satisfied with where Season 4 ended. They also claim that they weren’t making it up as they went along but seasons 3 & 4 absolutely felt that way, and I say that as a Westworld

I think you’re missing the point.

Her having work done isn’t the same as having an “addiction” to cosmetic surgery, as Kelly baselessly claimed.

Meghan Kelly has no room to talk about getting work done.

Vince McMahon should step down from a chair while a noose is around his neck.

Executive producers aren’t in charge of hiring below-the-line crew members like firearm “experts.” If there was some evidence, like an email or a text message of Baldwin recommending Gutierrez to the line producer or UPM, then I guess you could hold him accountable. And when the civil suits start coming in, I don’t

“Fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can’t get fooled again.”

The only way I will approve of that is if I get to go back to being in my 20s.

I like Stewart. I’m happy to have him back, especially with this being an election year.

In my experience, there’s an alarming lack of financial literacy and basic understanding of macroeconomics here in the States. FWIW unlike other giant corporations, Apple actually IS sitting on a mountain of cash that they can technically spend on anything (or at least they were when we studied them in school ~7 years

I’d watch a prequel movie (or mini-series) about the lead up to the park, with a more book-faithful Hammond and centered on the staff trying to make it work in the face of Hammond’s impatience, cost-cutting, and the sheer technical challenges. Show Nedry trying to make the impossible automation work and then getting

At least Graham was played by the one true ringer on the cast. The character was as sketchy as any of Chibnall’s characters, but Bradley Walsh could be counted on to make any scene he was in feel a lot more interesting than it actually was.

Gray suits you better.

It is a tradition among Doctor Who lead actors since Patrick Troughton, with a couple of prominent exceptions, that the actors depart after three seasons to avoid typecasting 

Interesting subject and I might watch it. But can I say the show is the mostly wildly overrated piece of entertainment I can think of both in influence, prestige and longevity?  It’s a much stronger case than The Simpsons for a pop culture classic that needed to be cancelled years ago because it’s no longer funny.

You know what game they should make a movie about? Baseball. I bet a movie with some baseball in it would clean up.