
Reading about it doesn’t do it justice so I encourage everyone to watch some video clips and take note of how Musk is constantly looking out into the audience after every comment, desperately seeking any kind of approval. It’s quite sad and pathetic. He never started from a good baseline anyway, but you can see how

At this point I think Musk could step out onto a stage, audibly shit himself, throw up, and then start crying for his mother, and it would count as one of his more dignified public appearances.

I hope the stress Elon Musk is feeling will cause his hair to fall out a second time.

Most of America” couldn’t even muster half the popular vote, FYI

...you’re just a faded old prat with an inflated view of himself.”

Sir, this is Arby’s.

Wait, so the academics counted the lies, meaning the lies happened. And your focus is the guy who’s not president. 

So, yeah, Apple censored the speech, but maybe it didn’t do it on purpose?”

Her era probably had the best historicals. It was the closest the modern era got to replicating the classic show. But maaan was Chibnall’s writing all over the place.

The Timeless Child is why I’m kind of glad the Cartmel Masterplan never got fully realized, because adding more mystery to The Doctor ironically makes

She was utterly fantastic in a poorly written era, I hope they can bring her back in the future multi Doctor stories so we can see the true potential of that regeneration.

Most of us are.

Let’s pull a fast one on a notoriously cranky and outspoken 80-year-old with an audience. What could possibly go wrong?

Honestly it’s really nice to meet someone his age that gets stuff right.

What a fucking awesome guy. I love him.

The Joker made the speech disappear by sticking it into a table, then slamming a goon’s face into it.

He’s going to marry (and divorce) Jane Fonda?

I have to assume if you’re drunk enough to decide to drive drunk you’re probably drunk enough to give zero fucks that you don’t have a license.

Yeah. You obviously shouldn’t drive when you’re over the limit under any circumstances, but when you fall asleep at the wheel, TWICE, it’s not like you had one more than you maybe should have.

Holy hell... Do you know how drunk you have to be to fall asleep at the wheel; drive onto someone’s yard?  That’s driving the wrong way on a highway drunk.  That’s plowing into a bus. 

Fucker sketched a few designs on napkin and gets his name in big letters before the title.   It’s Henry Selick erasure