No...I think they’d’ve gone with a reputable vendor.
Can’t wait for the “Garfield Minus Garfield” fan edit of this.
Lorenzo Music is just impossible to duplicate, but I agree; Pratt doesn’t sound wrong enough to be total miscasting.
We just need to revise the tax code so you don’t get money for NOT doing things.
The movie belongs in the public domain.
Need a disgruntled employee or hacker to leak the film all over the internet
Cena actually seems way too nice to do that... unfortunately.
And that's what I struggle with. Why make this movie? Musk hasn't ever done anything noteworthy besides his weird pregnancy kink.
Unless this movie is just a conga line of people punching and kicking Elon Musk in the genitals, I’ll pass.
Yeah, back to work! Except you, Jared Leto. You need to keep striking indefinitely. Sorry, it was a key part of the negotiations.
That’s why we explore. In order to see what’s out there!
why not???
At first I was like “Hey! Listen!” but then I was like “Well excuuuse meee princess!”
So the Beatles were
John Lennon
Paul McCartney
George Harrison
Ringo Starr
Murray “The K” Kauffman
George Martin
Brian Epstein
Giles Martin
Peter Jackson
The Fab Nine?
Oof, I would’ve preferred an animated Zelda. Animation is getting so creative and I can’t remember the last live-action epic that looked good. The director of the Maze Runner doesn’t inspire confidence either.
wow great another movie based on a video game that is a pastiche of cliches and has a protagonist with no discernible personality or motivation
To be fair, I think Paul McCartney has more say in whether this is the last Beatles song than Peter Jackson does.
Excellent point made by someone on Twitter: