
Time to get off the internet if her harmless little anecdote sullies your pearls.

I can only imagine there’s a good story there. Like maybe Jason let Fat Paul and the Blonde Bitch in the bar one night because it was slow and the owner wasn’t around. Then the owner showed up to show off his bar to some Ginger he was hoping to bang and got pissed off that Paul and the Blonde were there. He was like

I dunno I think he's a lot more tolerable this season, but I think it's because there's less of him. Constance Wu for everything

Lily sucks ass, though, on Modern Family.

Those are 2 of the 3 that called to me. I am a straight dude but, somehow, at this pub, I think I might be Crazy Linda.

Fucking Jason. He’s the worst.

While I have been reading the comments on Jezebel for years, I am using my first comment I’ve ever posted to say: this is MY LOCAL and I’m well proud of it #sawf #lahndahn

“Danny Miller / Danny Partridge: He’s Back and Fat”

I guess I would be“Gus and his mate Mark” My name is not Gus but i suspect I put off a Gus like aura. And I do have a friend named Mark.

Pull me out of the grays you jerks :-(

My sister-in-law shared this the other day. Soooo

My 4 year old daughter and I were watching a How It’s Made episode about super cars. They showed the process of collecting untreated cow skins and turning them into leather seats, and my daughter was very interested in this whole process. I tried to explain that we raise and kill cows to eat, and then we are able to

You know, if I see one more person say “What were they supposed to do, she wanted out” without even fucking acknowledging the reason it got to that point, I’m go to Hulk out.

Uh, no, fuck that. I have my actual friends routinely filtered out of my feed because their algorithm thinks I want to see a news station story from 2 days ago. I am fucking tired of having to reset who I want to see content from, because everytime I do they override it. Fuck facebook.

Chicago’s pretty great but it’s so cold I have a hard time seeing it as a viable #2 alternative to New York. On the other hand, SF and LA are both so deeply flawed that I don’t know what else would supplant it.

(SF before the current tech scene turned it into a fucking nightmare would easily be my #2 pick).

I am laughing so hard at this. It’s exactly the kind of thing that would have embarrassed me to no end at age 16, but that now would attract me to this gives-no-fucks-I-just-want-to-see-what-I’m-buying guy.

I just don’t understand Amy. Her entire stand up is all about being thick, being called chubby, “my arms register as legs”, and being unapologetically a woman who doesn’t care about her size and loves to eat. “I can catch a dick any time I want, anyway” she said these things!! When Khloe Kardashian lost a bunch of

They tried to be acrobats as a hobby, but then everyone got mad (;_;)

“There’s nothing wrong with being fat but don’t fucking call me fat.”