
That’s great if you believe in God/Jesus/Buddha/Shiva/the flying Spaghetti Monster. I was raised, baptised and confirmed Catholic and at 30, I’m still figuring shit out.

I’m honestly stunned this is the tract jezebel is taking. If there was any website whose writers more embodied ‘adult infants’ it would be the whiny, entitled, trust-fund Brooklyn girls who like getting hammered at 9 am on a weekday and then ‘borrowing’ an entire article to pass it off as journalism.

I can only assume

‘immature’ (inferring he’s a child)

I love that his post about feminism ruining everything effectively ruined his career. That’s some pretty instant karma.

So, this particular place may be expensive, but this is a perfectly legitimate housing model that we need more of.

Agreed. And I found the following paragraph amusing:

I’m not saying I agree with it or even would like it myself. I’m just saying, it’s not like it’s crazy compared to how people have lived for thousands of years.

Yeah it didn’t look so bad for me. If I had been single and had a real reason to move to NYC right out of college, I may have enjoyed a place like this. I don’t do well with roommates but I do fine with my own private room and went to a 4 year residential college. (Roommates means icky gross habits. Dorms mean there’s

Honestly, I don’t much about it. Haven’t looked into the details. But I would be willing to guess that the type of arrangement here is much more similar to how humans have lived in community for most of our existence. Extended family units housed together was the norm until quite recently I think. And extended family

While this isn’t for me, the less-snarky aspect is that it is encouraging community in a society that is ever-more less-communal. As a young adult after college I moved to the other side of the country, lived alone, and had no community. This is one positive side of housing like this.

BTW, I do not understand people in grocery aisles with carts. I manage to park mine on the side when I’m grabbing something so others can get by. And if it was in the middle of the aisle, I’d keep an eye on it and move it if it was blocking someone. But 99% of the twats in my grocery store seem absolutely oblivious to

That’s a ripe load of bullshit. The Daily Mail chose to use two different terms in their article, and it’s no mistake that they chose to use the term with negative connotations for her and the term with more neutral connotations for him. This kind of thing doesn’t happen in a vacuum.

The best is when they’re all group pics and you can’t tell who is actually the person the profile belongs to.

God. That is beyond stupid. Like how am I supposed to guess which one out of five jabronies the user is? It's never the hot one.


12 is so young to get married.

Also Kendall > Kylie 100%

there was an episode— and I don’t remember the context, I think they were in vegas?— where Scott was drunk out of his mind and Kourtney started telling him “when you sober up—” and he interjected “that’ll never happen!” just such a hilariously belligerent response.

When he told Kim that she knows what to do while she was getting ready to walk down the isle for the third time, he instantly became my favorite.